Adding a Related Item in the Item View
To add one or more related items:
1. Scroll to the relationship field and click

. The
Add Row window opens.
|  is disabled when a single-valued relationship already exists. |
You can add one or more related items by entering values in a text box or by selecting query items.
To add one or more related items:
a. Enter an Item ID in the Item IDs box and press ENTER. Alternatively, to add multiple Item IDs, enter a comma-separated list.
You can also paste a comma-separated list of Item IDs. Duplicate IDs, Invalid IDs, and IDs for which a relationship already exists, will be removed. Negative values and values starting with a letter or zero are treated as invalid.
To remove an item from the
Item IDs box, click

next to the Item ID. To remove all Item IDs, click
Clear All.
b. Select a query from the Query list to select Item IDs. In addition to custom queries, you can select items from system queries such as Quick Query and Recently Viewed.
| PTC recommends including the field Type in the default columns of the query, to maintain the system performance. |
c. Allowed item types are displayed in the Select Item table.
You can sort the results or use column filters to search for items.
d. Select one or more items in the table. The selected items are added to the Item IDs box.
Similarly, you can change the query and select items from another query.
To remove a selected item from the
Item IDs box, clear the check box by the side of the item in the
Select Item table. Alternatively, in the
Item IDs box, click

next to the Item ID.
To remove all selected Item IDs, click Clear All.
e. After you enter or select the Item IDs, click Add.
When you click Add, further validations are performed and appropriate messages are displayed.
| • Invalid IDs (for items that do not exist) are removed. • An error message appears if the relationship is not permitted due to administrator-set system constraints. In such a case, the relationship is not created. |
2. Click Save on the Item Edit page.
The items are added and successfully related to the source field.