If another user changes the default columns in the query definition, the changes will show up in your Items view if you haven’t customized your columns.
To add a column
In the GUI, right-click a column heading and select Configure Columns. In the Web interface, click the columns button on the upper right corner of the view pane and select Configure Columns. In the Columns dialog box, click the add button and select the column to add. |
To remove a column
In the GUI, right-click a column heading and select Configure Columns. In the Web interface, click the columns button on the upper right corner of the view pane and select Configure Columns. In the Columns dialog box, select the column you want to remove and click the remove button.
To reposition a column
In the GUI, right-click a column heading and select Configure Columns. In the Web interface, click the columns button on the upper right corner of the view pane and select Configure Columns. In the Columns dialog box, select the column you want to reposition and click the up or down button.
To change the sort order of a column
Click the column heading to invert the sort order.
Up arrow indicates that the column is sorted in descending order.
Down arrow indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order.
To change the size of a column
Drag the right edge of the column heading.
To save your changes as the default columns in the Items view, Relationships view, Document view, or Test Result Editor.
In the GUI, right-click a column heading. In the Web UI, click the Columns button on the upper right corner of the view pane. Select Save As Default. |
To discard your changes and use the previous column configuration
In the GUI, right-click a column heading. In the Web UI, click the Columns button on the upper right corner of the view pane. Select Reset To Default. |