Serverkonfiguration > Service Packs and HotFixes > Manually Applying Client-side Service Packs > To manually apply a client-side service pack
To manually apply a client-side service pack
1. Shut down the Windchill RV&S clients.
2. Browse to the ICServicePack directory. On Windows, the directory is located under the user profile, for example, c:/Documents and Settings/username/ICServicePack. On Linux, the directory is $HOME/.ICServicePack.
3. Delete all content in the ICServicePack directory.
4. Copy the client patch file to a temporary location on the client, for example, C:/Temp.
5. From a command line, run the following command:
Windchill RV&S Client installdir/bin/PatchClient c:/Temp/
It is also possible to just specify the path to a directory that contains the service pack. However, specifying the path to a directory causes the command to apply all service packs and hotfixes that exist at that location.
6. Once the command has completed successfully, restart the Windchill RV&S clients.
To verify that the service pack installed correctly, examine the client’s build and service pack number (Help > About, si about, or im about). Also, the client patch file should no longer exist.
If you receive any errors running the PatchClient command, contact Customer Support for assistance.