Serververwaltung > Reports > Report Formats for Custom Fields and Custom Field Values
Report Formats for Custom Fields and Custom Field Values
The Custom Fields and the Custom Field Values fields are added to the item fields list on a report. The field values are displayed in the reports as:
HTML report
XML report
Plain Text
HTML Report
The Custom Fields field values are displayed in a tabular format with table headers such as Name, Type, Default Value, Description and Picks. The Custom Field Values field values have table headers such as the Name and Value.
XML Report
The Custom Fields field values are displayed in the following format.
<field name="Custom Fields">
<defaultvalue>Test summary</defaultvalue>
<description>sample description</description>
The Custom Field Values field values are displayed in the following format.
<field name="Custom Field Values">
<value>Test Value</value>
Plain Text
The Custom Fields field values are displayed in the following format.
Name=MySummary,Type=shorttext,DefaultValue=Testsummary,Description=Test; Name=FieldPick2,Type=pick,DefaultValue=medium,Description=sample description for this field,values=high, medium, low;
The Custom Field Values field values are displayed in the following format.
Name=MySummary,Value=Test Value;Name=FieldPick2,Value=high
The CSV reports do not differentiate between fields and data.