CLI 参考 > 工作流和文档命令 > tm editresult
tm editresult
edits test results for the specified test cases
tm editresult [--sessionID=value] [--addAttachment=value] [--removeAttachment=value] [--addRelatedItem=[FieldName]:ItemID[relationshipFlags][,...]] [--removeRelatedItem==value] [--verdict=value] [--stepVerdict=stepID=value[:verdict=value][:annotation=value]] [--deleteStepResult=stepID=value [--annotation=value] [--[no]forceCreate] [--hostname=value] [--port=value] [--password=value] [--user=value] [(-?|--usage)] [(-g|--gui)] [(-F value|--selectionFile=value)] [--quiet] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=value] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] caseID|sessionID:caseID|versionedCaseID|versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID|sessionID:versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID...
This command allows you to modify the test results for a group of test cases in a test session. You can edit the result, annotation, attachments, test steps, and related items for the group of specified test cases.
For example,
tm editresult --verdict=Failed --sessionID=8071 9023
edits test case 9023 in test session 8071 to give it a verdict of Failed.
This command takes the universal options available to tm commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
the ID of the test session item that the test cases belong to.
The test session must be in a state that allows test results to be modified, and the test result policy for the test session must allow the user to modify test results.
adds attachments, where value is of the form "field=fieldName,path=pathToFile[,name=nameOfAttachment][,summary=shortDescription] " .
The "pathToFile" must include the path and filename. The "nameOfAttachment" is optional, and gives the attachment a different name than the name of the file specified in "pathToFile".
For example,
addAttachment="field=Attachments,path=c:/temp/notes.txt,name=notes123.txt,summary="Notes for issue 123""
adds the existing notes.txt file as an attachment with the name of notes123.txt.
If you do not specify the name of the attachment, the file name is used as the attachment name. You can use this option multiple times to specify multiple attachments. A test result cannot have more than one attachment with the same name.
Attachment size limits are set by your administrator. The default attachment size limit is 4 MB.
removes attachments from the test results for the specified test cases, where value is of the form "[field=fieldName,name=nameOfAttachment]".If no attachment field is specified the default Attachments field is used.
You can use this option multiple times to specify multiple attachments to remove. If none of the specified test cases have the attachment, the command fails.
Attachment size limits are set by your administrator. The default attachment size limit is 4 MB.
the related items to add to the test results for the specified test cases.
If no field name is specified, the Forward Relationships field is used. You can use this option multiple times to specify multiple related items.
Related items are created as a result of test case failure.
Adding a related item is only permitted if your administrator has allowed relationships for the item type.
removes related issues from the test results for the specific test cases, where value is of the form [fieldName:]id[,...]. If no field name is specified, the Forward Relationships field is used.
You can use this option multiple times to specify multiple related items to remove. If none of the specified test cases have the related item, the command fails.
the outcome of the test cases, for example, passed, failed, or skipped. Contact your administrator for the available values for this option.
the outcome of the test case steps, for example, passed, failed, or skipped. Contact your administrator for the available values for this option. You can also add or edit an annotation for the test case step.
If you are editing results for more than one test case, you must specify the ID of the test step or the command will fail.
You can use this option multiple times to edit the verdict and annotation for multiple steps.
You can add or edit a test step annotation without editing the test step verdict.
the test step to remove from the test results for the specified test cases.
You can use this option multiple times to specify multiple steps to remove. If none of the specified test cases have the step, the command fails.
notes about the test results, for example, reasons for test failure.
forces the creation of the test result being edited if it doesn't exist. Forced create should be used when automatically editing test results using the setresults command.
specifies the test case IDs to edit test results for. The test cases must all belong to the session specified in the --sessionID option. If the session is not specified in the --sessionID option, you must specify the session ID and case ID for each test case. If you do not specify this option, you must specify the --sessionID option.
As of Integrity Lifecycle Manager 12.0, you can also specify versioned test case IDs to edit test results for. When specifying a versioned test case ID, ensure that the versioned test case ID is prefixed with versioned test suite ID it belongs to, using a colon separator.
For example,
tm editresult --verdict="FAILED" --sessionID=1393 853-3.0:856-6.0
edits versioned test case 856-6.0 belonging to versioned test suite 853-3.0 in test session 1393 to give it a verdict of Failed.
If the --sessionID option is not used, include the test session ID when specifying the versioned test suite and versioned test case in the format sessionID:versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID.
For example,
tm editresult --verdict="FAILED" 1393:853-3.0:856-6.0
The test session must be in a state that allows test results to be modified, and the test result policy for the session must allow the user to modify test results.
See Also
Commands: tm createresult, tm viewresult, tm extractattachments, tm deleteresult, tm results, tm stepsresults, tm resulteditor, tm testcases, tm setresults, tm viewuntested
Miscellaneous: options