服务器管理 > Test Management > Deactivating Test Verdicts
Deactivating Test Verdicts
Setting a test verdict to inactive means that in the GUI it is not displayed in any filtered picklists. By deactivating test verdicts, the picklist is filtered to display only those test verdict values that are currently active in Windchill RV&S.
Key Considerations
Inactive test verdicts continue to display in fields, history, query filters, relevance and editability rules, constraint filters, charts, and reports.
Inactive test verdicts can be selected in query filters, relevance and editability rules, field relationships, charts, and reports.
Inactive test verdicts cannot be selected in fields; however, fields retain inactive picklist values.
If one or more active test verdicts are referenced in a trigger field assignment and you attempt to make one of those test verdicts inactive, an error message displays the test verdicts and the trigger(s) where the assignment occurs. The references in the event trigger(s) must be removed before making a test verdict inactive.