Working in States View
In Windchill RV&S, item types can each have their own set of states to advance through. They can also follow a state model defined by the project administrator, giving greater control over who has access to a specific item type at a given time, as well as who has responsibility for approving the advancement of the state.
Throughout the development lifecycle, items submitted in Windchill RV&S go through a workflow. You can customize the workflow and the stage the item is in. These stages are called states in Windchill RV&S. For example, your process may include resource allocation, research, coding, and testing, or your process can be more elaborate.
Possible states for a typical development environment are Submitted, In Review, Rejected, In Development, Unit Test, Development Done, Built, In QA, Passed, Failed, In Production, and Released.
Key Considerations
• You can only create one state at a time.
• States can be referenced by more than one workflow. For example, you could set the Submit state as the starting step for all your workflows.
Using the Windchill RV&S 管理客户端, you can manage states from one convenient location. Managing states is carried out through the States view.
To open the States view from the Windchill RV&S 管理客户端, expand the Workflows and Documents node, and select States. The States view displays.
By default, the data filter in the States view displays all existing states. You can search for a specific state by typing in the text filter. For more information, see
“Filtering Data”.
Throughout your development lifecycle, items submitted in Windchill RV&S go through a workflow. You can customize the workflow and the stage the item is in. These stages are called states in Windchill RV&S. For example, your process may include resource allocation, research, coding, and testing, or your process can be more complex.
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