服务器配置 > Solution Templates > Windchill RV&S Solution Installation > To install a Windchill RV&S solution template
To install a Windchill RV&S solution template
Before you install the Windchill RV&S solution template, you should create a backup of your existing database. Follow the vendor’s recommended procedures for the database you are using.
1. Open the Administration Client and right click the Workflows and Documents node in the tree pane. From the shortcut menu, select Install Solution. The Solution Installer wizard displays the Select Solution for Installation panel.
If you are migrating from a previous solution version, two options will display allowing you to choose a new server installation or a server upgrade.
From the Select Solution list, select the template (*.imt) to install or click Browse to locate it from the directory you copied it to after you downloaded it from the Support Center. Click Next.
2. The Confirm Selection panel provides summary information about the solution you are installing. Review the information to confirm your selection, then click Next.
3. From the Select Solution Prefix panel, choose a prefix to apply to all created administrative objects. The template creates certain projects, states, fields, types, triggers, as well as other workflow and document objects. To distinguish the new objects from your existing ones, a prefix can be applied to the newly created objects. If your current database is not already configured, then you may also choose to set a blank prefix; however, if you set a blank prefix, subsequent templates will require a prefix upon installation.
If you are working on a test system, you can choose to install with a blank prefix.
If you are working on a production system with existing data, prefixes are helpful when merging the solution with your pre-existing objects.
When installing the solution, some object names may conflict with existing object names. This is most likely to occur if you are installing the solution without a prefix. To resolve this issue during the installation, you can optionally specify a Conflict Prefix which prepends the prefix to the name of the object.
To continue, click Next.
4. To promote re-use of workflow and document objects and identify objects that originate from a solution, an alpha-numeric string called a Universally Unique Solution ID (UUSID) is typically assigned to each object in a solution. When you install a solution, the solution installer checks each object in the solution for a UUSID. If a UUSID exists for an object, the solution installer checks the target server to see if an object with that UUSID exists. If an object with that UUSID exists, the Confirm Admin Object Overlap panel appears, displaying the conflicting object. By clicking Next, the solution installer re-uses the existing object on the target server for the solution you are installing, updating all ID mappings and references from the object in the solution to the existing object. Non-conflicting components, such as field and state overrides, are applied. Objects in the solution that do not contain a UUSID are installed on the target server.
To continue, click Next.
5. From the Select Solution Group Mappings panel using the available lists, map each predefined group in the solution template to the group defined on your system.
If you need to create a new group to map to a pre-defined group role, you may create it in Windchill RV&S and then return to this panel of the Solution Installer. To make the new group available for selection, click Refresh Realm.
To continue, click Next.
6. From the Select Solution User Mappings panel using the available lists, map each predefined user in the solution template to the users defined your system.
If you need to add a new user or modify group membership to map to a pre-defined user role, you can perform those tasks in Windchill RV&S and then return to this panel of the Solution Installer. To make the new user available for selection, click Refresh Realm.
To continue, click Next.
7. The Sample Data panel contains an option to Install sample data. The sample data contains Windchill RV&S source code projects and members, and can be helpful if you intend to use this installation for evaluation and training; however, if you plan to use this installation for production work, you should clear the option and install without the sample data. Sample data is not easily deleted after installation. If you are installing sample data, you need to have the appropriate configuration management permissions.
Do one of the following:
If sample data is not being installed, clear the option for Install sample data, click Next, then go to the final step.
If you are installing sample data, select the option for Install sample data and type the name of the target directory for installing the sample configuration management data. Click Next to continue.
The path specified must be the fully qualified directory path (case sensitive) on the Windchill RV&S server where the sample Windchill RV&S source code projects are saved. Use forward slashes when specifying the directory path.
If your preferences include Prompt for Host Name and Port, the Select Server Connection panel displays. To connect to the Windchill RV&S server that hosts your configuration management data, do one of the following:
Choose the appropriate host name and port from the Connections list.
Specify a new connection by clicking New and typing the server host name and port number. To accept the information, click OK.
8. The Confirm Installation Parameters panel displays the parameters for installing the solution. Review the selected parameters and confirm the target port and server details, then click Finish.
The required workflow and document objects are installed. If you chose to install sample data, certain additional workflow and document objects and pre-defined Windchill RV&S source code projects and members are also installed.
If UUSID or name conflicts occurred during the installation, the Solution Installation Conflict Summary dialog box displays. The panel summarizes the objects that were not installed because of UUSID or name conflicts. To save the summary, click Save Report. To close the dialog box, click OK.
If Windchill RV&S detected any file conflicts (such as an existing event trigger or item presentation template) during the installation, a panel summarizes the file conflicts and the location of the conflicting files. Windchill RV&S creates a conflict directory in installdir/data/_staging_# (where # is a unique number), storing the conflicting files in relative paths.
If the template installation fails, the Windchill RV&S server database can be left in an inconsistent state. Check the server and client-side logs and record the error. After recording the error, contact PTC Technical Support and restore your database from the backup.