服务器管理 > Reports > Creating a Report Recipe > Displaying Change Package Information in a Report Recipe
Displaying Change Package Information in a Report Recipe
Users want a report that displays item change package information. This would allow development managers to see what changes developers have made.
Add change package tags to a report recipe to display change package information for Windchill RV&S change package types.
In addition to change package attribute information, users want the option to display information on each change package entry. This would provide additional information in viewing what development changes have been made.
Add change package entry tags to your change package report recipe to display change package entry information for Windchill RV&S change package types.
For example:
<%version 1%>
<%description <b>Description: </b>This is a report that uses
Windchill RVS change package report tags.<br><br>%>
<%param name="reporttitle" type="String" prompt="Report Title"
value="" description="Descriptive title for your report."%>
<%param name="reportheader" type="MultiString" prompt="Report
Header" value="" description="Text appearing at the top of the
report page."%>
<%param name="reportfooter" type="MultiString" prompt="Report
Footer" value="Confidential - Internal Use Only"
description="Text appearing at the bottom of the report page."%>
<%param name="itemheading" type="String" prompt="Item Heading"
value="Item {ID} : {Summary}" description="This is displayed at
the top of each item in the report."%>
<%param name="cpheading" type="String" prompt="Change Package
Heading" value="Change Packages" description="This is displayed
at the top of the change packages area."%>
<%param name="cpentryheading" type="String" prompt="Change Package
Entry Heading" value="Change Package Entries" description="This is
displayed at the top of the change package entry area."%>
<title>Change Package Report</title>

<%sortby &sortby%>
<span class="logo"><%logoURL%></span>
<p class="title">&reporttitle</p>
<p class="header">&reportheader</p>
<div align="right" class="date"><%currentdate%></div>
<table class="display">
<tr><td colspan="&#fields"><hr
<!-- Display item heading -->
<tr><td class="heading6">&itemheading</td></tr>
<!-- Display item field names and values -->
<tr class="odd_row">
<table class="border" cellspacing=0>
<tr valign="top">
<td><span class="bold">&fielddisplayname:</span></td>
<!-- Change Packages info -->
<!-- Display change package heading -->
<tr><td class="heading4">&cpheading</td></tr>
<%begingenericcpdetail &cptype%>
<!-- Display change package attribute names and values -->
<table class="border">
<tr valign="top">
<td><span class="bold">&genericcpfielddisplayname:</span></td>
<!-- Change Package Entries info -->
<!-- Display change package entry heading -->
<td class="heading4">&cpentryheading</td>
<tr class="even_row">
<td class="border">
<div class="center">
<table class="list">
<!-- Display change package entry attribute headings -->
<!-- Display change package entry attribute values -->
<tr><td colspan="&#fields"><hr
<span class="footer">&reportfooter</span>
<div align="center">
<a href="<%weburl%>im/runreport?selection=&currentReportName">
<img src="<%weburl%>Report_Recipe/re-run_report.gif"
align="middle" border="0">