服务器配置 > Global Development Using a Proxy > Storing Your Windchill RV&S Source Code Projects
Storing Your Windchill RV&S Source Code Projects
The location of projects becomes a significant consideration when network performance is poor. For the best performance, it is preferable to host your development projects at the site where the majority of the active development is taking place.
Other considerations can also affect where you choose to store your projects. Corporate policy may dictate that projects not reside on a remote proxy because of rules regarding security and organization. For example, projects may be shared with companies external to your organization. In other settings, code may be owned by a particular business unit while the development work is carried out at a different location.
In addition, it is easier to manage security when projects are centrally located rather than dispersed. Projects are also easier to find when they are centrally—or at least consistently—located.
Working with members in the same directory that have the same name, but differ in case, can cause potential problems using the following FSA configuration: a Windows proxy server to a Linux Windchill RV&S server . In this case, working with members in the same directory that have the same name, but differ in case, can cause potential problems with the member revisions that are stored on the proxy.