服务器配置 > Global Development Using a Proxy > Priming the Proxy > Priming the Cache
Priming the Cache
The si primeproject command is used to populate the FSA caches with shared data needed for day-to-day operations with a Sandbox (si createsandbox, si resync, si co, si ci, si add, si drop). The command primes the cache with the current versions of the member revisions (bulk data), as well as any current metadata. This is done on a per development path basis so that infrequently used data or dead development paths are not used. As other revisions are used by users or downloaded automatically, they are added to the cache.
The time required to prime a project depends on the:
data size (both bulkdata and metadata) combined with bandwidth.
total number of subproject and members, due to processing.
If you prime the same project with a direct connection to the main server on the local network, you can obtain statistics (using integrity stats) that can be used to estimate how much time it takes to download the same data to the remote location.