服务器管理 > Configuration Localization Overview > Adding Multi-Locale Support to Administrative Objects
Adding Multi-Locale Support to Administrative Objects
Only the display name and description attributes for the administrative objects for Fields, Test Result Fields, Types, and States can be localized.
In the Windchill RV&S 管理客户端, when an administrator creates administrative objects for which the display name attribute is not clearly defined and saves the changes, then name is saved as the display name. This change is recorded in the locale matching the client locale.
In the Windchill RV&S 管理客户端, when an administrator edits administrative objects for which the value of the display name and description attribute does not exist and saves the changes, the display name and description are recorded in the locale matching the client locale.
When the user views any administrative objects from any client in a locale for which the display name does not exist, then the fallback is to the name.