服务器管理 > Presentations > Presentation Templates > Creating New Presentation Template > To set the new presentation template for the target type
To set the new presentation template for the target type
1. From the Edit Type window under Set Presentation Template, view the available templates:
View Item is the presentation template that is used to display items on screen in Windchill RV&S. By default, this is the default template.
Submit/Edit Item is the presentation template that is used for submitting and editing items in Windchill RV&S. By default, this is the default template.
Print Item is the presentation template that is used for printing items. By default this is the defaultprint template.
2. To preview the layout of an item in the assigned template, click Preview. The Set Item ID dialog box displays.
3. From the Set Item ID dialog box in the Item ID field, type an item ID number for the type you want to preview.
When previewing a template, you must enter an item ID number for an item that is of the same type as the template you want to preview. For example, if you are working on the Feature Request type and want to preview the template, you must enter an item number for an item that is also a Feature Request. If you enter a number for an item that is of the wrong type or does not exist, an error message displays.
4. Under Select User Interface, select the interface for viewing (either the GUI or Web interface).
5. To preview the item in the selected template and user interface, click OK. The target item displays in the template you selected.
6. Once you have set and previewed the presentation template, click OK to save the settings and exit the Edit Type window.