服务器管理 > Presentations > Presentation Templates > Creating New Presentation Template > Working With Tabs
Working With Tabs
In a presentation template, a tab provides a way for you to separate design elements onto different panels.
Key Considerations
You cannot add the same field more than once to the same tab.
You can add the same field to different tabs in the same template.
You can view a comma-separated list of the tabs a field has been added to by removing the not in any tab filter (see “Filtering Fields”). The tab name appears in parentheses after the field name in the Fields View pane, for example, Attachments [Fields].
When there are mandatory fields on different tabs, the same visual indicator you have specified for mandatory fields is automatically used for the tab name to indicate to the user that the tab contains a mandatory field on a tab not currently displayed.
Tab Operations
The following table is a quick reference for performing tasks with tabs in presentation templates from the Presentation Template Designer.
Create tab
Click . The default name is new tab.
Clone tab
Select a tab, then click . The cloned tab is inserted into the last position in the layout (last tab). The source tab name is used for the default name, appended with clone.
Rename tab
Select the tab (click its name). Its properties display in the Property Pane. Change the value for the Name property.
Reorder a tab
Select the tab (click its name). Its properties display in the Property Pane. Change the value for the Position property.
Use the same field on different tabs
Ensure that not on any tab is not a restriction on the Fields Filter. That way the same field is available to drag to a cell on any tab.
Enable tab check mark Indicators
Select the tab (click its name). Its properties display in the Property Pane. Change the value for the Has Checkmark Icon property to True.
Enabling this property causes users to see a check mark icon on the tab name if any field on a tab requires user input.
Delete tab
Select the tab (click its name). Click . The Delete Tab dialog displays to confirm before the delete operation is performed.
You cannot undo deleting a tab.