服务器管理 > Presentations > DocStudio
Using the DocStudio tab, the administrator can define the default columns to be displayed in the DocStudio (Web Interface). To do this, administrators must add the columns to Default Fields, noting the following:
The DocStudio tab is enabled only when the Document Model role is selected as Node.
Visible Fields that are listed in the DocStudio tab are picked up from the Visible Fields section. You can add the visible fields to Default Fields; they inherit the permissions from Visible Fields.
By default, four fields are available under Default Fields and these cannot be deleted. The server locale determines the language of these fields:
Reference Mode
Document ID
In addition to the above fields, you may notice one more field under Default Fields which is displayed as a <Item.Title Field>. You can disregard this field and configure the <Item.Title Field> as mentioned below.
To configure <Item.Title Field>, the administrator must set the MKS.ItemTitleField property as mentioned below:
1. Select Workflows and Documents > Types.
2. Select the node type and from the shortcut menu, select Edit Type.
3. In the Edit Type window, select Properties.
4. For the MKS.ItemTitleField property, add a field as Value.
For example, if you add the Value as Summary field, the Summary of the document type is displayed.
PTC recommends using a short text field as Value and keep the field content below 250 characters.
If only partial content of the short text field is displayed in the browser, hovering on the partial content will display a tooltip with the entire content.