Refreshed Web Interface > About DocStudio > Working in DocStudio > Creating Branches and Versions > Creating a New Version
Creating a New Version
The Version option is available for the documents enabled for versioning.
Version Option Behavior
Versioning is enabled for the document and the node.
The Version option is visible. It is enabled for both the document and the node.
Versioning is not enabled for both the document and the content.
The Version option is not visible for both the document and the content.
Versioning is enabled for the document but not enabled for the content.
The Version option is visible. It is enabled for the document but not for the content.
Versioning is not enabled for the document but enabled for the content
The Version option is visible. It is not enabled for the document but enabled for the content.
If all the selected content is from an included document the Version option is not enabled.
While versioning, if a combination of content; that is content from the included document and document content is selected, the content from the included document is ignored.
Creating a Version for Included or Inserted Document is not allowed from DocStudio.
To create a new version:
1. To create a new version of a document, clear any selected nodes from within the document, click the vertical ellipsis and then select Create > Version. If you want to version a few nodes from within the document, select the nodes and click the vertical ellipsis and then click Create > Version.
The Create Version window opens.
2. Select the Version type; Major or Minor.
3. Select which content you need to version. If you are versioning selected nodes from a document, then this option is not displayed.
4. Enter the Description for the new version that you are creating.
5. Select the Apply Description to all Items check box if the description fits all the items in your new version.
If you had selected All content items, the Apply Description to all Items is disabled.
6. If you are versioning a few selected items and if you want to version any child nodes that the selected nodes may have, then select the Also create version of children for selected items check box.
7. Click Create.
8. If you have any Single-Valued relationship fields in the document, a popup is displayed listing all the fields. If you want to ignore the listed Single-Valued relationship fields, click Yes to proceed with creating the version, else click No to go back to DocStudio.
9. If you click Yes to ignore, versioning of the document begins. A message is displayed indicating that version creation is in progress.
When the version is created, a message is displayed indicating successful creation of the version. The message also contains a hyperlink, which navigates to the newly created version.
If you have versioned a document, then the message contains a link to the newly created document. The link opens the versioned document in DocStudio.
If you have versioned a single node, then the message contains a link which opens the versioned node in Item View.
If you have versioned multiple nodes, then the message contains no link.
Note that all the messages are displayed only in the browser tab from which the versioning operation was initiated. You can also view the new versioned document from the Lineage Tab of the Document item.