서버 관리 > Item Type Attributes > Setting the Test Management Role for Types > To set test management roles for types in the GUI
To set test management roles for types in the GUI
1. From the Create Type, Copy Type, or Edit Type dialog box, click the Test Management node.
2. Specify whether this item type can be related to test results. For example, you can relate a defect item type to a test result if desired.
3. Select one of the following test management roles for the item type:
The item type does not have a role specific to test management.
Test Suite
A test suite is a grouping of test cases. Typically, tests are authored in test suites. Test suites can vary from small groupings that test an individual feature to large groupings that test an entire product or perform stress or load testing. Test suites can contain other test suites. Test suites must have a document model of Segment since test suites are containers of content.
If you select this role, proceed to step 7.
For the Test Suite role, the Tests For field is available by default in the Version Edit Fields list. For more information on version edit fields, see “Version Edit Fields” in the Customizing Document Content topic.
Test Case
A test case describes the test conditions and provides a container for adding test results from the test session. Test cases can be specified for different types of tests, including functional, performance, automated, or manual tests. Test cases must have a document model of Node since test cases provide the content for test suite or test group documents. If you select this role, proceed to step 5.
For the Test Case role, the Tests For field is available by default in the Version Edit Fields list. For more information on version edit fields, see “Version Edit Fields” in the Customizing Document Content topic.
Test Step
A test step is a specific testing operation performed as part of executing a test case. A test case contains an ordered list of steps to follow in order to complete the test. Test steps can be shared across test cases. Test steps must have a document model of None.
If you select this role, proceed to step 7.
Test Session
A test session is a concrete run or execution of a group of test cases. The group of tests to be run can be based on a test suite or test group. During the test session. each test suite or test group is executed. This means that each test case in each of the test suites or test groups is executed and test results are collected. Test sessions must have a document model of None.
For more information on the test management roles and the document model, see “Setting Up Documents”.
4. Specify who is able to modify the test results for the test session:
The user in the specified User Field on the test session.
Any user in the group in the specified Group Field on the test session.
Any user in the specified Groups.
Both static and dynamic groups are available for selection. Dynamic groups are evaluated based on the project of the test session.
Proceed to step 7.
5. Select Test Steps will be enabled on items of this type if you want test steps to display on the test case. A test step is a specific test for a test case. A test case can contain an ordered list of steps to follow in order to complete the test. Test steps can be shared across test cases.
6. Specify the Fields on the test case that you want to display in the Test Results view.
7. Click OK.