에이전트 설치 및 구성 > Uninstalling the Windchill RV&S 에이전트 > To uninstall the Windchill RV&S 에이전트 on Windows
To uninstall the Windchill RV&S 에이전트 on Windows
1. Stop the Windchill RV&S 에이전트, and remove the Windchill RV&S 에이전트 service.
2. Do one of the following:
Run the uninstall program:
Use the appropriate command in the Control Panel for your version of Windows.
The uninstall program starts and the InstallAnywhere Uninstaller dialog box displays.
If you installed Windchill RV&S 에이전트 using a silent install, the uninstall is also silent. No dialog box displays and no further action is required.
3. Click Uninstall. The uninstaller program removes all installed components, except any files or folders created after the installation.
4. To exit the uninstaller, click Done.