에이전트 설치 및 구성 > Windchill RV&S 에이전트 Security > Setting Up Users and Groups for the Flat File Security Realm
Setting Up Users and Groups for the Flat File Security Realm
Flat File is the security realm offered by Windchill RV&S 에이전트. This Windchill RV&S-specific security realm stores users and group names in text files. The Flat File realm uses the user and group definitions specified in the password.properties and group.properties files located in
For guidelines on using strong passwords, see the topic Best Practices for Securing Windchill RV&S Server in the Windchill RV&S 설치 및 업그레이드 안내서.
If you use the Flat File security realm, you must set up your users and groups in these files.
The syntax of the password.properties file is:
The syntax of the group.properties file is: