에이전트 설치 및 구성 > Windchill RV&S 에이전트 Security > Reverting to Plain Text Windchill RV&S 에이전트 Passwords > To revert to plain text Windchill RV&S 에이전트-side passwords
To revert to plain text Windchill RV&S 에이전트-side passwords
1. Stop the Windchill RV&S 에이전트.
2. In the agent.properties file, delete the property for global.encrypt=true, or modify it as follows:
3. For each affected password, delete the encrypted text, and enter your chosen password in plain text, for example, in the encrypted format of:
where password is a plain text entry for your chosen password.
4. Delete the keystore and the keystore password file.
5. To retain the changes, save each affected property file.
6. To run with plain text Windchill RV&S 에이전트 passwords, restart the Windchill RV&S 에이전트.