에이전트 설치 및 구성 > Windchill RV&S 에이전트 Security > Encrypting Windchill RV&S 에이전트 Passwords > To migrate to encrypted passwords on the Windchill RV&S 에이전트
To migrate to encrypted passwords on the Windchill RV&S 에이전트
1. Stop Windchill RV&S 에이전트 on the applicable remote machines.
2. From the installdir/bin directory, run the following command:
In interactive mode, the following options display:
1) Encrypt the existing passwords
2) Change the encrypted passwords
3) Exit
3. To start the encryption process, enter 1. A message displays to indicate that encrypted passwords will be configured. Any conversion back to a plain text password system must be configured manually. For more information on reverting to plain text Windchill RV&S 에이전트 passwords, see “Reverting to Plain Text Windchill RV&S Agent Passwords”.
4. To proceed with the encryption, enter y. The application runs and encrypts the Windchill RV&S 에이전트 passwords.
Once the application has completed, a confirmation message displays. If this is the first time you have run the encryptPassword application, the agent.properties file is stamped with the following flag:
5. Restart Windchill RV&S 에이전트.
After running this application, the encryption.jceks keystore is created automatically in the installdir\data\security\store\ directory. Similarly, the keystore password file secret.key is added to the installdir\data\security\key\ directory. Ensure that this key is manually secured.