Project Change Package Differences View
The Project Change Package Differences view displays a list of the operations that occurred on a project between two checkpoints, if those operations were tracked in change packages.
By default, the following information is displayed:
• Type displays how the member was added to the change package.
• Member displays the name of the member or subproject affected by the operation.
• Revision displays the member revision number.
• Creator displays the ID of the user who added the member to the change package.
• Date Changed displays the timestamp of the change package entry.
• Project displays the name and path of the project where the operation was performed. If the operation occurred in a shared subproject, the subproject name and path are displayed. If the operation involved two different projects (for example, moving a member from one project to another), the command returns two entries, with the first entry the originating project and the second entry the destination project.
• Variant displays the names of variant projects associated with the member.
• C.P. ID displays the ID of the issue associated with the selected change package.
• Summary displays the change package summary.
• Lines Added displays the number of lines added by the operation. For binary files, this field displays 0.
• Lines Deleted displays the number of lines deleted by the operation. For binary files, this field displays 0.
To select all rows for copying, press CTRL+A. To copy selected rows, press CTRL+C. Copied rows are stored in the clipboard as tab-separated values, and can be pasted into a spreadsheet or text editor.
Filtering Project Change Package Differences
To filter the results in the Project Change Package Differences view, select > . The Filter Project Change Package Differences dialog box has the following options available:
• Entry Date specifies the timestamps used by the filter for the start checkpoint and end checkpoint that is being compared. To change the timestamps being compared, click Change and then modify the values in the Entry Date Filter.
• Created By filters the results by the ID of the user who added the member to the change package.
• Member Name filters the results by the name of the member or subproject affected by the operation.
• Entry Type
filters the results by how the member was added to the change package. Click

to add a selection.
• Combine Selections Using
specifies how the options combine together. The following selections are available:
◦ Logical AND specifies that only results that meet all of the selected options display.
◦ Logical OR specifies that results that meet at least one (but may meet multiple or all) of the selected options display.