Event Triggers View: Managing Event Triggers
You can manage event triggers from one convenient location. Managing event triggers is carried out through the Triggers view.
To open the Triggers view, in the Windchill RV&S 管理客户端 under Workflows and Documents select Triggers. The Triggers view displays.
By default, the data filter in the Triggers view displays all existing event triggers. You can search for a specific event trigger by typing in the text field.
To show the last run time for a trigger, you can also add a column for the Last Run Time. To add this column, right click the column header bar, and select Last Run Time.
You can perform the following tasks:
• Create a new event trigger that runs:
Chains of scheduled triggers run separately from chains of rule-based change triggers. Consider the order that scheduled triggers are listed in separately from the order rule-based change triggers are listed in.
Any changes you make in the Triggers view have an immediate effect on your Windchill RV&S database.