Administration du serveur > Workflow to Manage Process and Change > Creating Workflow > Workflows and Documents View Options
Workflows and Documents View Options
Available Views
View Item
Display history shows the item history when viewing a single item.
Display relationships shows the relationships when viewing a single item.
Display change packages shows associated change packages when viewing a single item.
Display workflow shows the item type workflow when viewing a single item.
Display attachments shows attachments when viewing a single item.
Display time entries shows time entries when viewing a single item.
History Order shows item history in ascending or descending order. Available options are: Most recent last and Most recent first.
Display all attachment attributes shows all attachment attributes when viewing a single item.
View Queries
Created By shows the name of the user who created the query.
Image shows any image, whether default or custom, associated with a query.
Name shows the name of the query.
Sort Field shows the field the query is sorted by.
Description shows any information entered for the query description.
Is Admin Provided shows whether or not the query is a shared administrative object.
Shared With shows which groups and users the query is shared to.
Fields shows the visible fields in the query.
Last Modified shows the date the query was last modified.
Sort Direction shows the direction the query is sorted by.
The Toolbar allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing users.
View Reports
Created By shows the name of the user who created the report.
Last Modified shows the date the report was last modified.
Shared With shows which groups and users the report is shared to.
Description shows any information entered for the report description.
Name shows the name of the report.
Is Admin Provided shows whether or not the report is a shared administrative object.
Query shows the query the report is based on.
The Toolbar allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing users.
View Charts
Chart Type shows the type of chart (distribution, item fields, trend, or item fields trend).
Graph Style shows the type of graph used to display the chart data.
Name shows the name of the chart.
Created By shows the name of the user who created the chart.
Is Admin Provided shows whether or not the chart is a shared administrative object.
Query shows the query the chart is based on.
Description shows any information entered for the chart description.
Last Modified shows the date the chart was last modified.
Shared With shows which groups and users the chart is shared to.
The Toolbar allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing users.
View Dashboards
Created By shows the name of the user who created the dashboard.
Last Modified shows the date the dashboard was last modified.
Description shows any information entered for the dashboard description.
Name shows the name of the dashboard.
Is Admin Provided shows whether or not the dashboard is a shared administrative object.
Shared With shows which groups and users the dashboard is shared to.
The Toolbar allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing users.
View Users
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the user description.
Image shows any image, whether default or custom, associated a user.
Name displays the column showing the name of the user.
Email displays e-mail address information for users.
Is Active displays the column showing whether the user is assigned active or inactive status.
Notification Rule displays notification rules for users.
Full Name displays the column showing the full name of the user.
Is in Realm displays whether the user exists in the realm.
The Toolbar allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing users.
View Groups
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the group description.
Is Active displays the column showing whether the group is assigned active or inactive status.
Email displays e-mail address information for groups.
Name displays the column showing the name of the group.
Image shows any image, whether default or custom, associated a group.
Query Timeout displays the query timeout setting, if set, for groups.
The Toolbar allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing groups.
View Dynamic Groups
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the dynamic group description.
Image shows any image, whether default or custom, associated with a dynamic group.
Name displays the column showing the name of the dynamic group.
The Toolbar allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing dynamic groups.
View Projects
Backing Item displays the ID of the item backing the project.
Is Active displays whether or not the project is displayed in filtered project lists.
Closed Image displays the image for closed projects.
Name displays the column showing the name of the project.
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the project description.
Open Image displays the image for open projects.
The Toolbar button allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing projects. For general procedures on customizing toolbars, see the User documentation.
View Item States
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the state description.
Position displays the column showing the sequence of the state relative to other states.
Image shows any image, whether default or custom, associated with a state.
Name displays the column showing the name of the item state.
The Toolbar button allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing states.
View Item Types
Name displays the column showing the name of the item type.
Show Workflow indicates whether the item type displays the workflow in items.
Phase Field indicates the workflow phase field for the item.
Time Tracking indicates whether the item type allows time tracking.
Backs Project indicates whether the item type is used to back a project.
Copy Tree indicates whether items of this type and all related items within the hierarchy to be copied.
Branch indicates that items of this type can be branched by users who have applicable project visibility based on the branching rules set up for item types.
Label indicates whether the items of this type can have labels applied.
Delete Item indicates whether a type rule exists that specifies which users can delete items of the type.
Image shows any image, whether default or custom, associated with an item type.
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the type description.
Change Packages indicates whether the item type can be associated with change packages.
Document Model
Document Class indicates the document class on a type: None, Segment, Node, Shared Item.
Associated Type displays the associated type for segments and nodes. If the document class is Segment, the associated type is Node. If it is Node, the type is Shared Item.
Significant Edit Fields indicates whether or not to display the fields that are defined as significant.
Group Document indicates whether items of this type are used to group test cases for test execution.
Default Reference Mode applies the default reference mode to the type you are defining. Reference modes are Author, Share, or Reuse. Reference modes are typically used in a document sharing scenario.
The Version reference mode is automatically displayed by the system for documents and content that have been checked in as a version. You cannot set Version as a default reference mode.
Test Management displays the test role and settings for items that are part of test management.
Permissions displays the groups that are allowed access to this type.
Position displays the column showing the sequence of the item type relative to other types.
Copy Fields indicates which fields are to be copied by default when items of this type are copied. Users can override these default fields by adding and removing any fields that they can view and edit.
The Toolbar button allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing types. For general procedures on customizing toolbars, see the Centre d'aide Windchill RV&S.
View Fields
Allowed Types displays the types that the relationship fields can relate to. Valid only for fields of type relationship.
Allowed Types are uneditable for the following relationship fields: Contains, Contained By, Referenced By, Shares, and Shared By.
The only Allowed Types on the References relationship field are those of type Segment.
Display Location shows the display location of the field. Can be either the fields or relationship tab. Relevant only for fields of type relationship.
Forward specifies whether the relationship field allows forward relationships. If cleared, it specifies a backward relationship field. Relevant only for fields of type relationship.
Name displays the column showing the name of the field.
Relationship Flags displays any relationship flags associated with the field. Only relevant for relationship fields.
Cycle Detection specifies whether the system prevents relationship loops. Relevant only for fields of type relationship.
Display Name shows the display name of the field, if any is assigned.
Is Multi-Valued displays the column showing whether the field allows multiple values. Valid for pick, user, group, and relationship fields.
Paired Field is the related backward/forward relationship field. Relevant only for fields of type relationship.
Trace specifies whether the field is defined as a trace relationship.
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the field description.
Display Style shows the display style (table or CSV) of the field. Relevant only for fields of type relationship.
Last Evaluation Time allows you to view the last time the static computed field (if enabled as this type of field) was computed.
Position displays the column showing the sequence of the field relative to other fields.
Type displays the type of field (for example, integer, pick, or long text, etc.).
The Toolbar button allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing fields.
View Server Triggers
Assignments displays the column showing values assigned to specific fields when the trigger runs.
Last Run Time allows you to view the last time the trigger was run.
Position displays the column showing the sequence of the trigger relative to other triggers.
Run As displays the column showing .
Type displays the column showing the type of trigger (rule or scheduled).
Description provides a column to display any information entered for the trigger description.
Name displays the column showing the name assigned to the trigger.
Query displays the column showing the name of the query used in the trigger.
Script displays the column showing the name of the script used in the trigger.
Frequency displays the column showing the frequency at which the trigger runs.
Parameters displays the column showing parameters assigned to the trigger.
Timing displays the column showing the timing of the trigger.
The Toolbar button allows you to customize the toolbar displayed on the interface when viewing triggers.