Administration du serveur > Role-Based Views for Users > ViewSets FAQ
ViewSets FAQ
The following are frequently asked questions (FAQ) for ViewSets:
Why do I not see the ViewSets view?
To see the ViewSets view, you need the PublishNewViewSet permission or a permission to modify any server (published) ViewSet.
How can I move a ViewSet from one server to another server?
Connect to the first server, and display the ViewSets view. Fetch the ViewSet from that server. Then connect to the second server (displaying the ViewSets view for that server) and then publish the ViewSet to that server.
I have a client ViewSet, but I do not see it in my ViewSets view. Why?
Ensure that the Client d'administration de Windchill RV&S you are using to display the ViewSets view is located on the same machine as the Windchill RV&S client you used to create the client ViewSet.
Because I am always working with an unpublished ViewSet duplicate of the published ViewSet, how then can I rename the published ViewSet?
Windchill RV&S tracks the ViewSet independently of the name you assign it. Even if you rename a ViewSet, that same ViewSet is updated (overwritten) when you publish it again. You can rename a published ViewSet by editing its properties.
I renamed my unpublished ViewSet and then published it back to the server, hoping it would be treated as a new ViewSet with a different name. Why did it overwrite my old ViewSet that had the original name?
Windchill RV&S tracks the ViewSet independently of the name you assign it. Even if you rename a ViewSet, that same ViewSet is updated (overwritten) when you publish it again. Instead of renaming a ViewSet, create a copy of ViewSet instead.
I edited a published ViewSet, and now I have an unpublished ViewSet by the same name. Why is it there?
Editing a ViewSet requires a local duplicate of the ViewSet in the Windchill RV&S client. The unpublished ViewSet is that local duplicate, and it must be published back to the Windchill RV&S server for your changes to be available to users.
I published my unpublished ViewSet and the unpublished ViewSet disappeared. Where did it go?
The unpublished ViewSet is considered unnecessary once a ViewSet is published to the Windchill RV&S server. You can get an unpublished ViewSet duplicate again by editing or fetching the ViewSet.
Why are users reporting that ViewSets I published are automatically imported into their Windchill RV&S clients?
You have set the ViewSets to be mandatory.
Why can I edit but not publish a particular ViewSet?
You do not have permission to publish that ViewSet. An administrator who does have permission to publish that ViewSet must assign you permission.
Users lost their custom changes to their ViewSets. Why?
Check to see if you configured the ViewSet to be mandatory.
I logged into the Client d'administration de Windchill RV&S on a different machine, and my unpublished ViewSets were gone. Where did they go?
Unpublished ViewSets are only stored locally on the same machine they were created on. You must publish the ViewSet to edit (customize) it on a different machine.