Configuration du serveur > Server Properties for Workflow > Windchill RV&S Server Configuration Properties > Serveur Windchill RV&S Properties in
Serveur Windchill RV&S Properties in
Clear text port number. To disable clear port, set policy to 0. (You can retain old port number in comment.)
Port number must not exceed 65535. Numbers less than 1024 may require extra privileges on Linux machines.
If you specify port number already in use on server machine, Serveur Windchill RV&S shuts down when you try to run it.
Default is 7001.
Secure (TLS or SSL) port number. To disable secure port, set policy to 0. (You can retain old port number in comment.)
Port number must not exceed 65535. Numbers less than 1024 may require extra privileges on Linux machines.
If you specify port number already in use on server machine, Serveur Windchill RV&S shuts down when you try to run it.
If specified to value other than 0, secure port used and only port that can be open on server.
Defining a secure port does not mean it is the only port that is open. You can have clear and secure ports open at the same time.
Default is 0.
Specifies a comma separated list of encryption ciphers.
If at least one of the list entries is valid, the server will start; however, the server log displays a warning message about the invalid value(s). If all of the list entries are invalid, the server will not start.
The following is an example that specifies 256-bit ciphers:, TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Upgrading the JVM to support the specified list of encryption ciphers requires downloading and installing the Java Cryptography Extension Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.  These can be obtained from:
The package contains instructions from Oracle on how to install it into JREs.  This needs to be performed on both the client and server JVMs. The two locations to install the Java Cryptography Extension Ciphers for Windchill RV&S are:
<Windchill RV&S Client Install Dir>\jre\lib\security<Windchill RV&S Server Install Dir>\jre\lib\security
Comma-separated list of supported TLS protocol versions. Valid values are TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2.
Defaults to TLSv1.2 if no value specified.
As of Integrity Lifecycle Manager 12.1, the protocol versions SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLSv1.0 are not supported.
Instructs the server to bind only to the specified IP address. The address must be a valid dotted-quad value.
If setting both mksis.bindAddr and mksis.hostname, ensure that the two settings correspond.
By default, the server binds to all interfaces it finds on startup.
Protocol for hyperlinks to Serveur Windchill RV&S, such as those that appear in e-mails and event triggers. Possible values are http (clear) and https (secure). If only one port used, correct value used for port regardless of value specified in property. If both ports used, you must specify either a clear or secure protocol.
Default is http.
Password for recovering private key for server's certificate from certificate store. Password must match one found in certificate store. Property used only if secure port enabled.
Maximum number of executor threads that the RMI subsystem may use. The system starts with a minimal number of threads and adds more as needed, up to the specified limit.
Default is 300.
Specifies whether Serveur Windchill RV&S functions as production server or staging server. Valid options are true or false. If false, Serveur Windchill RV&S functions as standard production server. If true, Serveur Windchill RV&S functions as staging server that you can use to test your workflow configuration and migrate it to production server.
Default is false (that is, Serveur Windchill RV&S operates as standard production server).
Display name of staging server. For example, if using two-stage staging server configuration, two staging servers can be named Development Server and Test Server. If no value specified, display name is Staging Server.
Start configuration management feature set. Valid settings are true or false. Default is true.
Start workflows and documents feature set. Valid settings are true or false. Default is true.
Absolute path to FlexNet license file.
Determines whether Serveur Windchill RV&S uses only one socket to connect to license server. Valid settings are true or false.
When property true, cannot use license pooling or duplicate license checkout features.
Default is false.
Group name used to capture workflow and document seat licenses.
Default is IntegrityManagerGroup.
Property required for seat licensing.
Group name used to capture configuration management seat licenses.
Default is SourceIntegrityGroup.
Property required for seat licensing.
Customer number assigned by PTC, for example 341. This information displays on the Serveur Windchill RV&S home page in the Web UI.
Default is populated by license.dat file during product installation.
If value not found during product installation, then default value is blank.
Install site number assigned by PTC, for example 201824. This information displays on the Serveur Windchill RV&S home page in the Web UI.
Default is populated by license.dat file during product installation.
If value not found during product installation, then default value is blank.
Contract numbers assigned by PTC, for example 5A10201,2A154191,7A324030. This information displays on the Serveur Windchill RV&S home page in the Web UI.
Multiple values are comma-delimited.
Default is populated by license.dat file during product installation.
If value not found during product installation, then default value is blank.
Specifies default session credentials made available to any server-side use of the API, for example, in a local API session within triggers.
Overrides compression default for connections not having more specific override defined (see properties mksis.<alias>.compressionEnabled or mksis.<hostname>.<port>.compressionEnabled).
Windchill RV&Scan compress data for transfer over network. Compression is recommended for use over low bandwidth networks. It is not recommended for high bandwidth networks because time required to compress and decompress data can outweigh bandwidth savings.
By default, compression enabled for connections between FSA proxies and their corresponding servers based on assumption that proxies and servers are typically connected over low bandwidth networks. By default, compression disabled for all other connections based on assumption that they are over high bandwidth networks. Override defaults if they do not suit your environment.
Overrides compression default for connection to specific server. Server can be specified using a proxy alias from mksis.proxylist property or using host name and port, for example:
Proxy list enables proxying for one or more remote servers. Proxies defined by using alias or in format serverhostname:port. If set, mksis.proxyList tells server it is proxy and requires proxy license from FlexNet server. Do not set property if not licensed for FSA.
Define only one alias per real server. Recommended practice to use alias unlikely to change rather than host name because aliases provide consistent way to address dynamically configured hosts.
Compose aliases using only uppercase letters (A…Z), lowercase letters (a…z), numbers (0…9), and hyphens (-), for example:
If you change name in proxy list, saved proxy data lost. To avoid loss of data, use aliases.
If you used alias in proxy list, you must define host name and port number for it. Aliases may be nested to fixed depth of 20. Aliases may also resolve or redirect client alias or server ID usage. Each alias must have explicit definition in this form, for example:
Do not select alias or IP address that resolves to valid property key or prefix name (for example, do not use alias such as proxyCache).
User name for default administrative user who controls permissions and access to information on proxied connection. Default administrative user must be valid user on remote system.
Proxy administrative user should have restricted set of ACL permissions. Allow only Login, OpenProject, and FetchRevision permissions. Permissions may be set globally or only for projects you want proxy to access. Deny all other permissions.
Password for default administrative user.
Default administrative password must be valid password for administrative user on remote system.
User name for administrative user who controls permissions and access to information on specified target server alias. If property not specified, default administrative user used.
Password for administrative user for specified target server alias.
Number of minutes without any transactions that the Serveur Windchill RV&S waits before deciding the Client Windchill RV&S is no longer active. When the time expires, each concurrent license in use and connection to the server are released (independent of one another).
Value of 0 indicates idle disconnect disabled. Minimum value when idle disconnect enabled is 60; if value greater than 0 but less than 60, idle disconnect timeout assumed to be 60 minutes.
Default is 0.
Number of seconds HTTP session can remain inactive before it expires. Default is 3600 (1 hour).
If mksis.web.heartbeat property set to true, HTTP session for the Web interface remains active even after specified time has passed.
Causes the Web interface to keep HTTP sessions alive while browser window still active. If false, all HTTP sessions expire after time specified in mksis.http.session.timeout property. Default is true.
Disabling this property prevents server alert messages from appearing in the Web interface.
Number of views saved in history list for each Web interface user who has active session.
Default is 10.
Increasing number affects amount of memory required by server.
Root directory to get customized web content from.
Default is installdir/data/public_html.
Host name to appear in e-mail notifications and change packages instead of default domain name, for example, Host name also appears in client-generated e-mail that contains Windchill RV&S client URL and Web URL hyperlinks.
If unset, system prompts Serveur Windchill RV&S for host name of machine it resides on.
If true, property prompts Serveur Windchill RV&S for IP address and then uses IP address in e-mail notifications and change packages instead of default domain name, for example, mksis.hostnameuseip=false. Also affects client-generated e-mail that contains Windchill RV&S client URL and Web URL hyperlinks.
If domain name set through mksis.hostname, IP address cannot display in e-mail notifications or change package information.
Character set used when sending e-mail.
Default is UTF-8.
Causes Serveur Windchill RV&S to make backup of embedded Derby database automatically every 24 hours using system clock on server machine. Most recently backed up database files are stored in installdir/data/derby.db/backup. Requirement because Derby has no special backup procedures if database in use during normal file system backup.
By default, property causes backup operation to occur each night at midnight (00:00). You can change value that sets time; format is HH:MM, where HH is hours from 0–23, and MM is minutes from 0–59. For example, if regular database backup runs at 23:00, you could set automatic backup time to 22:30. By default mksis.repository.backuptime=00:00.
Number of seconds to cache successful DNS name lookups.
Default is 60.
Number of seconds to cache unsuccessful DNS name lookups.
Default is 60.
Configures the number of seconds for the stacktrace monitor to poll for the runstacktrace file, located in <Windchill RV&S Server>/data/runstacktrace.
Default is 30.
Configures auditing of configuration management operations on Serveur Windchill RV&S.
Default is false.
Configures auditing of workflow and document operations on Serveur Windchill RV&S.
Default is false.
Configures auditing of Serveur Windchill RV&S operations.
This property must be set to true for the purging or archiving operation to be recorded in the audit log.
Default is false.
Configures auditing of Déployer operations.
Default is false.
In Integrity 10.8 and later, the Staging and Deploy functionality properties are no longer supported.
Path to audit log backup directory. Target directory must have write permissions. You can redefine default to directory of your choice.
Default is installdir/data/audit, where installdir is path to directory where you installed Serveur Windchill RV&S.
Configures database connecting to dynamic pool. (To be modified only if connections to database are dropping due to network or database problems.) Rather than waiting for time period specified in refreshTestMinutes, following properties can be added in event of connection problems:
Number of seconds that the Serveur Windchill RV&S waits to retry connecting to the database.
Default value is 120 seconds and the minimum value is 20 seconds.
Name of database user for connection pool. Default value is configured during installation based on selected database and properties.
Password for database connection pool. Default value is configured based on selected database.
Clear text port number. To disable clear port, set policy to 0. (You can retain old port number in comment.)
Port number must not exceed 65535. Numbers less than 1024 may require extra privileges on Linux machines.
If you specify port number already in use on server machine, Serveur Windchill RV&S shuts down when you try to run it.
Default is 7001.
This property is applicable to Windchill RV&S client or later versions of clients connecting to the current server.
Prefix of the Windchill RV&S URL where users are redirected for Windchill RV&S help when it is not installed on the default server, for example, http://server:port or https://server:port.
Default value is blank (users are not redirected to a different server).
The property value must begin with http:// or https://.
This property is applicable to client versions older than Windchill RV&S connecting to the current server.
Prefix of the Integrity Lifecycle Manager URL where users are redirected for Integrity Lifecycle Manager help when it is not installed on the default server, for example, http://server:port or https://server:port.
Default value is blank (users are not redirected to a different server).
The property value must begin with http:// or https://.
Number of seconds Windchill RV&S waits before getting data from LDAP. Default is 60.
Throttle list enables throttling for outgoing traffic to one or more remote clients and servers.
Throttling is defined by using aliases where you compose aliases using only uppercase letters (A…Z), lowercase letters (a…z), numbers (0…9), and hyphens (-). Throttling aliases are specified using a comma separated list.
For each throttle alias, you must configure the iprange, max, or lowPriorityMax , and optionally configure maxRTT (maximum round trip time).
For example, mksis.throttle.list=fsa1, directRemoteUsers, localTeam
You must define only one alias per IP address range.
Indicates the range of IP address of remote hosts.
For example,
This indicates throttling is done to the specified IP range, which is
This indicates throttling is done to the specified IP range, which is,, and so on in this case.
Indicates the maximum limit of data that can continuously be sent per second. where values are in bytes per second as displayed by an external transfer.
For example,
Indicates that 12MBps data can be sent per second.
Ensure to take into account traffic in both directions when planning for throttling limits.
Indicates the maximum amount of data that can be sent for low priority operations such as bulk data file transfers where values are displayed in bytes per second.
For example,
Indicates a maximum of 10MBps bulk data transfer.
The lowPriorityMax value would be set to 80% of the max value if it is not specified.
Indicates maximum round trip time of the network.
You can define the optional property if the maxRTT displayed at startup time in logs is lower than the actual maximum RTT towards the IP range for the specified alias.
A larger maxRTT has an impact on the memory usage because more memory is allocated to achieve the network throughput.