Configuration du serveur > Server Policies for SCM > General Policies > General Policy Options
General Policy Options
The following are general policy options available from the General tab of the policy editor:
Policy Option
Revision Description Required
Enforces the policy requiring a revision description each time a member is checked in.
The default is false. If this policy option is set to false, then the user is permitted to check in a revision that does not have a revision description.
If Revision Description Required is enabled, then a revision description must be supplied at the time a checkin operation occurs. There must be a minimum of one character in the revision description. This policy option may be enabled or disabled at the project level, and may also be locked.
Archive Description Required
Enforces the policy requiring an archive description whenever a new member is added to a project.
The default setting is false. If this policy option is set to false, then the user is permitted to add a member that does not have an archive description.
If Archive Description Required is enabled, then an archive description must be supplied at the time the member is added to the project. There must be a minimum of one character in the archive description. This policy option may be enabled or disabled at the project level, and may also be locked.
This policy does not apply to imported members.
Store Text by Reference
Sets the default archive storage mechanism for text files at the time the archives are created. If selected, individual text file revisions in the member history are stored in their entirety, and no differencing is performed upon checkin (that is, revisions in the history are not stored by delta). The option to store text files by reference can be used when file content changes significantly from one revision to the next.
If not selected, text files are automatically stored by delta (that is, by "reverse" delta where only the differences between revisions are stored, and the required revision is then re-calculated upon checkout). Text files can be stored either by delta or by reference.
If locked, the Update Archive command cannot change the storage format to disagree with this value for text files.
For large text files, changing the storage format between store-by-delta and store-by-reference can be time consuming and require memory resources.
Deferred Operations Mandatory
Configures the Windchill RV&S server to only accept member operations that are submitted using the Submit and Submit Change Package commands.
In the GUI, the deferred option in the dialog box for each member operation is enabled and cannot be changed by the user. In the CLI, the member operation fails if it is not deferred.
By default, this policy is not enabled.
This policy is only enforced on the client. It is not an enforcement mechanism, but instead meant to strongly encourage a mode of development.
Restrict ‘New Revision Available’ Deltas in Variants
Restricts the display of New Revision Available deltas in variant projects. This policy option may be enabled or disabled at the project level, and may also be locked.
The default setting is false. If this policy option is set to false, New Revision Available deltas display as needed for members in the variant project, following the same criteria used for non-variant projects.
If this policy option is set to true, the display of New Revision Available deltas in the variant project is restricted to members that have been checked in or have had a variant branch created. This is useful if you are using the variant project for post-release maintenance.
Force a Check of FetchRevision for Member Commands
Forces a check of the FetchRevision permission for all member commands. The default setting is false.
If set to true, the FetchRevision permission in the ACLs is checked for each member whenever a user creates a new Sandbox, resynchronizes a member, checks out a member unlocked, or tries to view the contents of a member revision.
Enabling this policy can cause some performance degradation on the server due to the extra checks that are required.
Force Sandbox Members to Always be Writeable
Used for Mathworks integration. Can be set globally or on a per project basis.
Allows sandbox members to remain writeable even when they are not locked.
When this policy is set, all files in a project are marked as writeable. When new code is written, content-based deltas will indicate what has changed to users.
Users must resynchronize their Sandboxes for changes to this policy to take effect.
Allow Configuration Management of Symbolic Links
Enables symbolic link files to be added as members. A symbolic link is a special type of file that contains a reference that points to another file or directory. The file that the link file points to does not need to be a member.
This policy is enabled by default. If you disable this policy, when you add a symbolic link file it adds the contents of the target file rather than the symbolic link file itself.
If you drop a symbolic link file member, the target file is not affected.
Symbolic link files are added as binary files.
You cannot check in a symbolic link file in the Web interface. If you check in a symbolic link file in the Web interface, the link file is replaced with the contents of the target file.
When working with symbolic link members in the CLI, make sure that you are working in a real file system directory, rather than in a directory whose path contains symbolic links.
You must give users the Windows permission required to create symbolic links in order for them to be able to see symbolic link members in their Sandboxes.
Symbolic links can have a maximum target path length of 4096 characters.
Enable Checksum Verification of Member Revisions
Enables the calculation and verification of checksums on member revisions. When this policy is set, checksums are calculated each time a new member revision is committed to the archive. The checksums are then verified when a member revision is received by theWindchill RV&Sclient. This ensures data integrity between the server and the client.
This policy is enabled by default (that is, RevisionChecksumsEnabled=true).
Disable Visual Difference and Merge for Store by Reference Members
If the archive for a member is stored by reference, this policy does not permit users to difference or merge the file using Windchill RV&S. Users can still difference and merge the file with a third-party tool if a Third Party Difference Tool or Third Party Merge Tool value is specified in the Windchill RV&S client preferences.
This policy can be useful when a stored by reference text archive contains very large revisions, and differencing or merging the member using the Windchill RV&S client is likely to exceed the available resources.
Use File Vault for Store by Reference Member Revisions
Enables configuration management file vaulting for revision data. This option enables file vaulting only when vaulting is configured for the server. Enables the file vaulting for only those files that are marked as store by reference. For more information on file vault configuration, see File Vaulting for Configuration Management.
When file vaulting is enabled on specific projects, shared archives are stored in the vault or the database based on the canonical location of the archive.
Text Working File Size Governor (KB)
Sets the maximum size of text revisions or working files for the following operations on a database repository:
Check In/Project Check In to convert a store-by-delta archive to store-by-reference.
View Member Differences from the Configuration Management Web interface. Exceeding the maximum size from the GUI and CLI has no effect.
This option is useful in preventing out of memory issues on the Windchill RV&S server when Windchill RV&S attempts to difference large files. If the file exceeds the maximum size during a check in, users can cancel the operation or convert the archive to store-by-reference.
Non-Members Include Filter
Specifies the file types to include in the Non-Members view or when using that filter with the Add Members command. Click Change to modify the settings.
When setting this policy option, ensure that there are no scripts or integrations impacted by the change. For example, locking the option may cause an integration to fail when adding a member, if that integration was created with the assumption that the option could be set.
Non-Members Exclude Filter
Specifies the file types to exclude from the Non-Members view or when using that filter with the Add Members command. Click Change to modify the settings.
When setting this policy option, ensure that there are no scripts or integrations impacted by the change. For example, locking the option may cause an integration to fail when adding a member, if that integration was created with the assumption that the option could be set.
Binary Archive Patterns
Specifies the file patterns that force matching members to be added automatically as binary archive data in the repository using the Add Members command. Click Change to modify the settings. Click Remove to remove all specified file patterns.
When setting this policy option, consider scripts or integrations that may be impacted. For example, an integration that adds members as text must follow the configured policy and add members as binary archive data instead.