Refreshed Web Interface > About the Item View > The Item View User Interface > Header
The placement of information in the Header is as follows:
Item ID: Displayed in the top-left corner of the Header area along with the Item Info overlay. For details, see Item Info Overlay.
Type of item: Displayed next to the Item ID along with a tooltip. Click the tooltip to know more about the Item type.
Summary of the item: Displayed below the Item ID. It is the value of the field in the item that is provided for the MKS.ItemTitleField property of that item type.
Only Short Text fields are supported for the MKS.ItemTitleField property.
Edit: Displayed on the right side of the Header area.
Vertical ellipsis : Displayed next to Edit and is enabled for item type, document, or for items linked to external systems. If enabled, click to view options.
Open in DocStudio is available only for the document item type. Click it to open DocStudio in a new tab.
View External OSLC Link is available for items linked with an external systems such as Windchill Modeler. Click it to launch the reverse-lookup window. For details, see Windchill RV&S OSLC Client guide.
The placement of information is not based exactly on the presentation template definition of the type.
Item Info Overlay
The Item Info overlay shows the created, modified, versioned, branched, and as of information of the Item.
The date information is displayed in the MMM DD, YYYY format.
The time information is displayed in the HH-MM-SS and 12 hour format.
Item creation and modification details: These details include the full name of the user who created and modified the item. The date and time of the item creation and modification is also displayed.
Item version details: These details include the full name of the user who created this version of the item and the date and time of versioning. The source item is also displayed.
Item branching details: These details include the full name of the user who branched the item and the date and time of branching. The source item is also displayed.
As of information: Displays the historical date and time of the item. For details about viewing historical item, see Viewing a Historical Item.