User Help > Displaying Items Meeting Specific Conditions > Query Filters > Grouping Query Filters
Grouping Query Filters
When adding a filter to a query, you group it with existing filters through a logical AND or OR relationship. A logical AND specifies that all of the conditions specified must be true for an item to be returned by the query. For example, an item must have both a project=training and assigned group=docstaff to be returned by the query. A logical OR specifies that one or more of the conditions must be true in order for an item to display in the query. For example, an item must either have a state=submit or a priority not equal to high to be returned by the query. Query filters are rendered in the query builder using simple text descriptions, for example:
Show items where:
or where:
Project is one of /Financial Toolkit
and Assigned User is one of jriley
or State is one of Submit
or Priority is not one of High