Check Out Dialog Box Tab
Revision to Check Out Options
Specifies which revision of the member to check out.
To check out a pre-defined revision, click Pre-Defined Revision, then select a revision type from the list. The available options are:
• Member checks out the member revision, that is, the revision shown in the Project view (this is the default).
• Working checks out the working file.
• Head checks out the head revision.
• Trunk Tip checks out the latest revision in the trunk.
• Member Branch Tip checks out the latest revision along the member’s current branch of development.
• Member Rule checks out the revision defined in the member rule.
To check out the latest revision, select Specific Revision. The Specific Revision option selects the most recent revision by default and displays it in brackets, for example, (1.1).
To check out a revision by state, click Latest revision with State, then select a state from the list. The options in the list depend on the states configured by your administrator. This option is only available when promotion is enabled by your administrator and is only visible in the GUI.
Allows you to select a specific revision to check out. Select a revision from the member history.
Properties (GUI only)
The Properties tab allows you to check out a revision with a specific state, label, or timestamp.
• Last revision with state allows you to check out a revision with a specific state. States are defined by your administrator.
• Revision with label allows you to check out a specific labeled revision.
• Last revision at date allows you to check out the revision closest to the specified timestamp. Because the revision closest to the specified timestamp may be on a different branch, you can limit the matching to a Member branch, Any branch, or a specific branch in the list.
Labels (Web interface only)
Allows you to select a revision to check out by label. Select a label from the label list.
Link (GUI only)
The Link tab allows you to check out a member in a specific project configuration (normal, variant, build). To link the project that this member belongs to (the target project) with the master project, configure the following options:
To specify the master project, click Member Revision in a Specified Project. Next, click Select to browse for the specific project and configuration type.
Under Member, choose an option to specify the member in the target project:
• Find member in a specified project searches for the member with the same backing archive in the target project.
• Find member recursively searches recursively throughout the subprojects for the member. There must be exactly one backing archive for each member.
• Specify member name is the name of the member in the target project. This is useful when the target project contains several members that point to the same archive as the current member.
Specifies the following general checkout options:
Lock Revision allows you to determine whether the member is locked on checkout. You can select from the following options:
• To obtain a lock on checkout, select Lock.
• To checkout without a lock, select No Lock.
• To obtain a lock on checkout based on the locks policy, select Follow Policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator.
Move My Lock moves any lock you have on a revision in the same development path to the member revision, including the change package associated with the lock operation. Since you can only have one lock per member per development path, if you already have another revision locked, you need to move that lock to the member revision in order for the check in to succeed. See the Downgrade Lock Request on Conflict option on the Advanced tab for information on what occurs if the member revision already has an exclusive lock. You also need to move your lock if it is associated with a different change package than the one you are using for the check out operation.
Overwrite if Deferred Operation Exists (GUI only) overwrites the working file if the file has changed and there is a deferred pending operation on the member.
Overwrite Working File if Changed (GUI only) overwrites the working file even if it is modified.
Change Package specifies the change package that the operation will be recorded in.
Line Terminator (Web interface only) determines the type of line terminator Windchill RV&S uses when dealing with members: lf (or line feed, primarily for Linux applications), cr, or crlf.
Specifies the following advanced checkout options:
Lock Type allows you to determine the type of lock obtained on checkout. Select one of the following options:
• To obtain an exclusive lock on the member, select Exclusive. An exclusive locks prevents other users from checking in changes to the member.
• To obtain a non-exclusive lock on the member, select Non-Exclusive. A non-exclusive locks enables other users to check in changes to the member.
• To obtain a lock type based on the locks policy, select Follow Policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator. If the locks policy is None (no lock required), but the Lock Revision option is selected, a non-exclusive lock is obtained.
Update Member Revision causes the revision you check out to become the new member revision of the project. For example, if the current project member is listed as Revision 2.3 and you check out Revision 1.7 with the Update Member Revision option selected, Revision 1.7 replaces Revision 2.3 as the member revision of the project.
Downgrade Lock Request on Conflict obtains a non-exclusive lock when you try to get an exclusive lock on a revision that another user has an exclusive lock on.
Restore Revision Timestamp (GUI only) sets the timestamp of the working file, to which the revision is checked out, to the date and time of the revision in the history. If this option is not set, the working file’s timestamp is set to the current date and time.
Merge Working File if Changed (GUI only) automatically merges any changes from the revision being checked out into the working file (if your working file is based on a different revision).
Keywords allows you to select keyword expansion options when checking out a member.
• To leave keywords as they are recorded in the revision, select Do Not Expand from the Keywords list.
• To replace keywords in the revision with literal values in the working file, select Expand from the Keywords list.
• To unexpand keywords in the working file, select Unexpand from the Keywords list.
Merge Type (GUI only) specifies the action to be taken when merging the checked out revision into the working file. Select one of the following options from the list:
• Confirm confirms the action to be taken when merging upon checkout.
• Cancel cancels the operation.
• Automatic performs an automatic merge.
• Manual initiates the Visual Merge tool.
On Conflicts (GUI only) specifies the action to be taken when merge conflicts occur. Select one of the following options from the list:
• Confirm confirms the action to be taken when a conflict occurs.
• Cancel cancels the operation when a conflict occurs.
• Mark For Later Merge marks the files for merging at another time, allowing you to resolve the conflict first.
• Launch Tool initiates the Visual Merge tool.
• Highlight Output File highlights conflicts in the resulting merged revision.
• Error displays an error message prompt.