To copy multiple content items in the GUI
1. Open the applicable documents.
2. Press CTRL and select the multiple rows in either the Content pane or Outline pane.
Selecting a node to copy from the Content pane results in just the selected items being copied. Selecting a node to copy from the Outline pane results in all items in the node’s structural relationship list being copied.
3. Press CTRL+C or select > . The selected rows are highlighted.
4. Select the insertion point in the existing document or target document and then select > . While the insertion point can be in a different document, the target document must be the same type as the source document.
◦ If the copied nodes belong to the same segment in the target segment, they are branched. The content and shared items are also copied.
◦ If the copied nodes span multiple segments, the Paste Special window opens. In this window, you specify whether to paste the content items for the purpose of share, reuse, or just a regular GUI copy. The Include Traces checkbox allows you to specify whether to carry over all traces associated with the children of the copied nodes.