User Help > Viewing Project Data in Dashboards > Creating a Dashboard > To create a dashboard
To create a dashboard
1. Select on of the following:
Dashboard > Create
File > New > Dashboard
The Create Dashboard dialog box displays.
2. Provide information for the Name field, and the Description, Sharing, and Project Filter tabs. For more information, see “Dashboard Properties”.
3. To begin designing your dashboard, click Edit Layout. The Edit Dashboard Layout dialog box displays.
4. To set global layout properties, click . The Layout Properties dialog box displays.
By setting global layout properties, you can avoid having to configure detailed settings for each individual element of your dashboard and instead have a consistent style that is applied to all instances of a text, cell, or grid element. All global dashboard properties can be overridden for individual components.
For detailed information on the fields in the Layout Properties dialog box, see the following:
“Editing a Dashboard”
“Dashboard Layout Properties: General Tab Fields”
“Dashboard Layout Properties: Text Styles Tab Fields”
“Dashboard Layout Properties: Default Text Styles Tab Fields”
“Dashboard Layout Properties: Default Grid Table Fields”
“Dashboard Layout Properties: Default Cell Tab Fields”
5. To add a new grid to your dashboard, drag the grid tool onto the design pane. The New Grid dialog box displays.
6. Set the size of the grid by entering the number of rows and columns, and click OK. The new grid is inserted on the design pane. The default properties of the grid display in the properties pane.
7. In the properties pane, modify the properties of the grid as required by clicking the Value column beside the property you want to change. For detailed information on grid property options, see “Dashboard Layout Properties: Default Grid Table Fields”.
8. To add an embedded chart, an embedded report or report link, or a query link to the dashboard, select the appropriate type from the components filter list. The components view pane displays the components associated with the selection that are available to you. For example, if you specified a chart component type, all charts created by you or shared with you display in the components view pane.
9. Select a component, and drag it into the target cell of the grid. The default properties for the component display in the properties pane.
If you decide to leave empty cells in the grid, empty space displays in the dashboard for both the GUI and Web interface.
When you insert a chart in the grid, it shows at its requested size with a placeholder image and border. Actual chart data can be viewed by previewing the chart.
10. In the properties pane, modify the properties of the component as required. For detailed information on the properties for charts, reports, and queries, see the following:
“Dashboard Report Properties”
“Dashboard Chart Properties”
“Dashboard Query Link Properties”
11. Repeat the previous steps as required to insert the desired charts, reports, and queries into the grid.
12. Add labels, images, or URLs to the dashboard using the toolbar buttons. The default properties of the label, image, or link display in the properties pane.
13. Edit the properties of the labels, images, or URLs as required. For detailed information on the properties for these components see the following:
“Dashboard Label Properties”
“Dashboard Image Properties”
“Dashboard URL Properties”
14. Edit individual cells in the grid by selecting the cell and editing the properties as required.
For detailed information on the properties for grid cells see “Dashboard Layout Properties: Default Cell Tab Fields”.
15. To preview your changes, click the Preview tab. If any charts or reports are embedded in the dashboard, they run for the preview. Depending on how you designed your dashboard, embedded charts and reports may or may not be filtered by any currently applied dashboard project filter.
16. To save the dashboard layout, click OK on the Edit Dashboard Layout dialog box. The Create Dashboard dialog box displays.
17. To save the dashboard, click OK on the Create Dashboard dialog box.