Report Wizard: Field Computations Panel
The Field Computations panel specifies aggregate computations for fields used as summary values in a report. Aggregate computations allow you to add numeric field values, calculate the average of multiple numeric field values, retrieve the smallest or largest numeric field value in a group of items, or count the number of items returned by an existing query. For example, if your report groups Project items by state and includes Actual Budget and Estimated Budget fields, you could display the totals for theActual Budget and Estimated Budget fields in each state grouping.
The fields that display in the Field Computations panel must be selected in the ItemFields panel.
To create an aggregate expression, select a field, and click
Edit in the GUI, or

in the Web interface. The
Edit Expression dialog box displays. For more information, see
Add/Edit Expression Dialog Box.
To remove an aggregate expression, select a field with an aggregate expression and click
Remove (GUI) or

To specify the format layout for an aggregate computation as it displays in the report, select the aggregate computation, and click
Format. The
Format layout forfield name dialog box displays. For more information, see
Format Layout for field name Dialog Box.