si viewcp, si viewcps
To view information for a change package in the GUI
Do one of the following:
• Select > > , and then specify a change package.
• Select a change package in the Change Packages view, and then select > or > > .
• Select a change package entry in the Working File Changes view, and then select > .
To view information for a change package associated with a member operation in the GUI
Select the member in a Project or Sandbox view, and then select >
To view information for a change package associated with an annotated member revision in the GUI
From the Annotated Revision view, select the annotation block corresponding to the change package you want to view, and then select >
To view information for a change package associated with a subproject operation in the GUI
Select the subproject in a Project or Sandbox view, and then select >
To view information for a change package in the Web interface
Select a member or revision in the Project or Member History view, and then select >