Specifies a description for the template. The description displays to users when they are selecting a template to use.
Specifies the name of the template that displays to users when selecting a template to use. Names are not required to be unique across types, but must be unique within a type. This value is mandatory.
Specifies the path to the DOTX file that is to be used as the template.
Use existing template on server
When editing properties for a template, specifies whether to use the existing template on the server. Clear this property to obtain a new template from the file system instead.
Default Edit Template
Specifies to use the template as the default template for users editing an item or document in Word.
Enabling this option pre-selects the template for the user. However, the user may still select a different template if needed.
This option can be used to streamline the edit process for users.
Only one template per type can have this option enabled. Enabling this option on one template clears it from any other that has it specified.
To identify which template is the default edit template, look for DefaulteditTemplate in the Available Word Templates list of the Word Templates panel of the Edit Type dialog box.