Overrides for Fields
Once a type is created, you can set overrides for certain field attributes. Overrides can be set for all fields referenced by that type; however, only the following field attributes are available for override:
• Relevance
• Editability
• Description
• Ranges
• Phases
• Display pattern
• Default value
• Parameter substitution
Overriding field relevance allows you to define, for the selected type, specific conditions that make a field applicable to users, groups, or items with certain field values. For example, if the global setting meant that the selected field was generally relevant and you wanted to simplify the information presented for the majority of users, you could set an override that made the field relevant only to the primary users of the selected type. For more information on the relevance attribute, see
“Setting Field Relevance”.
Overriding the field’s editability allows you to define, for the selected type, the conditions where users have permission to edit a field. For example, if the global setting means that the selected field is generally editable and you want to simplify the tasks required for the majority of users, you could set an override that makes the field editable only by the primary users of the selected type. For more information on the editability attribute, see
“Setting Field Editability”.
Overriding the field description allows you to customize the description that
Windchill RV&S uses for the type you are administering. This new description supersedes the global description for the selected field and is applied only when the field is referenced by the selected type. For example, the global description for the Submit field might be “
Initial stage“. When referenced by the Feature Request type, you could set this description to “
Feature request submission”. For more information on the description attribute, see
“Setting Field Description”.
Overriding the field default value allows you to have multiple types share a field with different field defaults for each type. For example, if you shared the Assigned Group field across multiple types, you could override the default Assigned Group field value and replace it with a new default field value for the type, or just remove the existing default.
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