To enter a test result
1. Select a test session item in the Items view or Relationships view, or open it in the Item Details view, and do the following:
◦ In the GUI, select > .
In the GUI, you can also select > > , and then specify the item ID.
◦ In the Web interface, click
and select
Test Result Editor.
2. Select a test case in the tree pane of the Test Result editor.
3. On the Test Result tab in the details pane, do the following:
a. Select a select a verdict from the Verdict drop-down list.
b. Enter notes in the Annotation field. Notes should not exceed 4000 characters.
4. On the Test Steps tab, do the following:
a. Enter a verdict by selecting one or more test steps, right-clicking and selecting one of the following:
▪ Mark as Passed
▪ Mark as Failed
▪ Mark As and then select other verdict
| • Test step verdicts do not affect the overall verdict for the test case. • You cannot add a related item or attachment to a test step result. |
b. Enter notes by selecting a test step and doing the following:
▪ In the GUI, enter information in the Annotation column.
▪ In the Web interface, double-click the Annotation column and enter information.
| In the Web interface, you can enter the same notes for multiple test steps by selecting the test steps, right-clicking and selecting Edit Annotation. |
5. On the Related Items tab, do the following:
a. In the Items related to this Test Result field, add existing items or create new items as related items.
| When you create a new item as a related item, you can only create item types that your administrator has enabled to be related to test results. |
b. In the Items related to the results of Test Case test case ID field, the related items are read-only and are intended to help you avoid creating duplicate defects. In the GUI, you can move a related item from this field to the Test Result Related Items field by selecting it and right-clicking, or using the drag-and-drop method.
| Even when the test session is in a state that does not allow edits on the test results, you can still add or remove related items. |
6. On the
Attachments tab, add an attachment by dragging and dropping a selected file to the attachment field. You can also add an attachment by clicking
next to the attachment field. Enter the path and name of the file to be attached, or browse to select a file. Click
Open. The selected file is added to the attachments list.
In the GUI, you can add any image or text currently in the clipboard as an attachment by selecting > . If an image is in the clipboard, it is added as MKSImg<xxxx>.png. If there is text in the clipboard, it is added as MKSTxt<xxxx>.txt. The attachment is added with the following summary: pasted attachment added automatically.
7. To save the test result, move to the next test case in the tree pane, or click > (GUI) or click
and select
Save Result (Web).
| To discard the test result, select > (GUI) or click ![](../IntegrityHelp/images/actions_button.png) and select Revert Result (Web). |