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Your ability to use certain query filters is determined by the permissions granted to you to view specific item types and fields. For further assistance, contact your administrator.
Filter Type
You can query for attachments that are linked to items with a specific field value or specific text.
You can search the database for items that have an attachment or that have an attachment of a specified size, date or time added, name, or MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type.
Messages using the MIME standard can contain the following types of information: text messages in US-ASCII; character sets other than US-ASCII; multi-media, such as image, audio, and video messages; multiple objects in a single message; multi-font messages; messages of unlimited length; or binary files.
You can query on items that have a branch, or items that are branches of the original item. You can also create a query for finding a particular field of a branched item that has a specific value.
Change Packages
If you use change packages to identify files that are affected by an item, you can track and monitor items with change packages using the change package filter.
You can filter Windchill RV&S items based on change package types and their attributes.
You can create query filters to find content items used specifically in the document model. For example, you can create a query to search for segments, nodes, or for content defined as meaningful or non-meaningful content.
You can also create query filters for test management items. Test management items are items that have a specific test management role, as defined by your administrator.
You can search the database for items whose fields contain specific values.
Query by history searches only the information in the change record. You can query by the following history filters:
• specific value in an item field
• date and time an item was modified
• user who modified an item
You can query on labels by label name, or use a combination of label names to search all items. For example, you can query on Defects containing one of two different labels.
You can query your database for items that are linked to other items. You can query for items with forward or backward relationships with other items linked through a specific relationship field. You can query for items that are linked to items with a specific field value or specific text.
You can search the database for items that satisfy the conditions of a sub-query.
Test Results
You can query your database for items that have a test result, that have a test result with an attachment or related item, or for a specific field value in the test result.
Time Entries
You can query your database for items that contain time entries. A time entry records the duration of time spent working on an item in hours for a specific day, and, optionally, any relevant notes.
You can query on the database using the following walk functions that walk the relationships to traverse items:
• walkdocordered
• walkdocument
• walk
• walktestsession