Viewing a Historical Item
Historical items are versions of the current item associated with a date in the past. You can view historical items by label, branch (document model items only), date, user edit and now.
Historical items are denoted in the Item Details view with a title and header that indicates the date and time as of which you are viewing the item. If the item has been revisioned, the revision of the item will also appear in the title and header.
Viewing a historical item
To learn more about As Of options for historical items, see “Historical Item Viewing Options”.
• Select a date hyperlink for an edit, label, or branch operation in the History tab of an Item Details view to view the item as of that date.
• Select the item you want to view from the Items view and select > > .
• You can view an item as of a label, branch, date, or edit. The Item Detail view displays the historical item details as indicated by the As Of date and time in the header.
• Select the item you want to view from the Items view, click  and select > . • You can view an item as of a label, branch, date, or edit. The Item Detail view displays the historical item details as indicated by the As Of date and time in the header. |
Key Considerations
• When performing an action like copy or branch on a historical item in an As Of view, the action occurs against the specified or historical date.
• You cannot edit historical items.
• All branches, labels, and item histories display in a historical Item view.
• You cannot create a change package for a historical item.
• Historical items are printed as of the historical date indicated in the header of the Item Detail view. Change packages and time entries are not printed.
• The Workflow, Change Packages, and Time Entries tabs do not display on the Item Details view of a historical item.
• Relationships display as of the current or historical date indicated on the item.
• Attachments display as of the historical date.
• Running a report on a historical item runs the report as of the historical date.
• When viewing a document and viewing as of edits, the edits available will be the timestamps of edits to the fields defined on the document type as Significant Edit Fields. When viewing content items historically, the edits that will show in the As Of options will be when there have been edits to the fields defined as significant on the node item type. For more information, see your administrator.
Shared item types also have a significant edit field list; however, Windchill RV&S does not make assumptions about significant edits on the node, based on those of the shared item. For more information on the node and shared item, contact your administrator about working with related items in a document structure.
• When viewing historical items containing computed fields, if the computed field was set up by your administrator to calculate and store to history on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, the most recently stored values display.
• When viewing historical items or documents that are enabled for item revisioning, the item revision displays in the title and header.
• If document versioning is enabled and a computed field is configured to store to history, note the following when viewing the item history in a versioned item:
◦ If a computed value has always been valid, the item history records the valid value.
◦ If a computed value has always been ambiguous, the item history records the ambiguous computation icon (

◦ If a computed value was previously valid and is currently ambiguous, the item history records the valid value.
Historical Item Viewing Options
The following table lists the options for viewing items As Of:
To view an item As Of... | Do this from the As Of list... |
Label/Revision | Select Label, select the label you want to view the item as of, and click OK. For items with revisioning enabled, each revision will appear as a label. |
Branch | Select Branch, select the branch you want to view the item as of, and click OK. | This option is for document model types only. |
Date | Select Date, select a date to view the item as of, and click OK. |
Edit | Select Edit, select the edit you want to view the item details as of, and click OK. |
Now | Select Now and click OK. | Viewing an item as of Now is the same as viewing an item with no As Of date. |
For more information about viewing items and documents, see
“Finding and Viewing Documents”.