Report Wizard: Test Result Fields Panel
The Test Results Fields panel specifies the test result fields to display in a report. A test result indicates the outcome of a test (pass, fail, other).
Select the test result fields to display in the report by doing the following:
• In the GUI, select the fields from the Available list and move them to the Selected list.
• In the Web interface, click

next to the
Test Result Fields field and use the data filter to select the fields.
| The virtual field Test Case ID (GUI Link) is only available if your administrator has enabled it. The field appears in reports as a link that when followed, opens an item in the Windchill RV&S client GUI. The virtual field Test Case ID (Web Link) is always available, and opens an item in the Windchill RV&S Web interface. |
Filter test results by verdict or verdict type in the report by clicking in the Filter By Verdict or Verdict Type field (GUI) or the Test Result Verdict Filter field (Web) and using the data filter to select the verdicts and/or verdict types. To filter by verdict type, select AllPass, All Fail, or AllOther. Verdicts are defined by your administrator, for example, Failed - Does Not Match Requirement. You can also filter for test results with no verdict by selecting Unspecified.