Retrieving the Part Structure with Plant Filters and Config Specs
You can filter the part structure by specifying the inline navigation criteria for plant filters and configuration specifications.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the part structure using plant filter and configuration specification. Use the following POST URI with the request body:
POST /ProdMgmt/Parts('<Part OID>')/PTC.ProdMgmt.GetPartStructure?$expand=Components($select=PartName;$levels=4)
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
CSRF_NONCE: <Use the value from Fetch NONCE example>
Request Body
"NavigationCriteria": {
"ApplicableType": "PTC.ProdMgmt.Part",
"ApplicationName": null,
"ApplyToTopLevelObject": true,
"Centricity": false,
"ConfigSpecs": [
"@odata.type": "#PTC.NavCriteria.WTPartStandardConfigSpec",
"WorkingIncluded": true,
"View": "Design",
"LifeCycleState": null,
"Variation1": null,
"Variation2": null
"Filters": [
"@odata.type": "#PTC.NavCriteria.PlantFilter",
"IsIncludeNonVSEDObjs": false,
"Rules": [
"RuleOrder": 0,
"ObjectTypeIdentifier": "PTC.MfgProcMgmt.PlantSpecificEnterpriseData",
"LinkTypeIdentifier": "PTC.ProdMgmt.PartUse",
"Expressions": [
"Attribute": "WCTYPE|||view^WCTYPE|",
"Value": "Manufacturing",
"ExpressionOrder": 0,
"Comparison": {
"Value": "EQUAL",
"Display": "="