Completing a Work Item
This example shows you how to complete a work item. Use the following POST request.
POST /Windchill/servlet/odata/Workflow/WorkItems('{{<workitem_id>}}')/PTC.Workflow.CompleteWorkitem HTTP/1.1
You can pass the following information in the request header. For completion of tasks in which the SigningRequired attribute has a value of true, you must pass the request header parameter SECURE_TOKEN.
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
CSRF_NONCE: <Use the value from Fetch NONCE example>
SECURE_TOKEN: <JWT token obtained after successful re-authentication of URL from GetJWTFormRendererUrl().
Depending on what options you want to set, you can specify those options in the request body.
Request Body for Default Activity
"WorkitemComment":"Completing Workitem",
Request Body with Valid Routing Option
"UserEventList":[ "Reject"],
"WorkitemComment":"Completing Workitem",
Request Body with Valid Voting Option
"WorkitemComment":"Completing Workitem",
Request Body with Variables
"WorkitemComment":"Completing Workitem",
The response is the workitem JSON.