Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC CAD Document Management Domain > Functions Available in the PTC CAD Document Management Domain
Functions Available in the PTC CAD Document Management Domain
The following functions are available in the PTC CAD Document Management domain:
The function GetDynamicStructureRepresentation() returns a URL which you can use to download the dynamic structure of a Creo View representation of a CAD Document. The function accepts NavigationCriteriaId as the input parameter. It is an optional parameter. If navigation criteria ID is not specified, the function uses the default navigation criteria to generate the URL for the dynamic structure.
You can use the URL to load the CAD data in the Creo View WebGL Viewer.
The following is an example of the GetDynamicStructureRepresentation() function.
GET Windchill/servlet/odata/CADDocumentMgmt/CADDocuments('{CADDocumentId}')/PTC.CADDocumentMgmt.GetDynamicStructureRepresentation()
The following is an example of the GetDynamicStructureRepresentation() function with the navigation criteria ID passed as input parameter.
GET Windchill/servlet/odata/CADDocumentMgmt/CADDocuments('{CADDocumentId}')/PTC.CADDocumentMgmt.GetDynamicStructureRepresentation(NavigationCriteriaId='{NavigationCriteriaId}')
The function GetDynamicStructureRepresentationPVZ() generates and returns the dynamic structure representation PVZ from a given CAD Document.
Pass NavigationCriteriaId and IncludeAnnotations as the input parameters. The navigation criteria is an optional parameter. If the navigation criteria ID is not specified, the function uses the default navigation criteria. You can specify to either include the annotations or not using true or false, respectively.
The following is an example of the GetDynamicStructureRepresentationPVZ() function with the navigation criteria ID passed as input parameter.
GET Windchill/servlet/odata/CADDocumentMgmt/CADDocuments('{CADDocumentId}')/PTC.CADDocumentMgmt.GetDynamicStructureRepresentationPVZ(NavigationCriteriaId='{NavigationCriteriaId}',IncludeAnnotations={IncludeAnnotations})