Navigating to EPM Documents Associated with a Resource
You can retrieve the EPM Documents associated with a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) by specifying the resource OID in the request URI. You can also retrieve the associated EPM Documents, EPMDescribeLinks, and their attributes by specifying the resource OID and the associated EPMDescribeLink OID in the request URI.
Example: Navigating to EPM Documents Associated with a Process Material Object
The example below shows you how to retrieve EPM Documents associated with a specific Process Material object. Use the following GET request with expand.
GET /Windchill/servlet/odata/MfgProcMgmt/Resources('OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.resource.MPMProcessMaterial:268355')?$expand=PartDocAssociations($expand=RelatedCADDoc)
The example below shows you how to retrieve EPM Documents associated with a Process Material object by specifying the Process Material and EPMDescribeLink OIDs in the request URI. Use the following GET request with expand.
GET /Windchill/servlet/odata/MfgProcMgmt/Resources('OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.resource.MPMProcessMaterial:268355')/PartDocAssociations('OR:wt.epm.structure.EPMDescribeLink:268364')?$expand=RelatedCADDoc
Similarly, you can retrieve the EPM Documents for a Skill, Tooling, or Work Center object.