Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC Manufacturing Process Management Domain
PTC Manufacturing Process Management Domain
The PTC Manufacturing Process Management (MfgProcMgmt) domain provides access to the manufacturing process management capabilities (MPM) of Windchill. Manufacturing Process Management is the process of defining and managing the manufacturing processes, which are used to make parts, assemble final products, and perform inspections. The domain provides OData entities that represent business objects such as process plan, operation, and bill of process (BOP). The domain is available only if you install Windchill MPMLink.
The PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain references the PTC Document Management domain to provide navigation to allocated parts and operated on parts.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain. To see all the OData entities available in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain, refer to the EDM of the domain. The domain EDM is available at the metadata URL.
OData Entities
Process Plan
The ProcessPlan entity represents the version of a process plan. In Windchill, the MPMProcessPlan and MPMProcessPlanMaster classes are used to work with process plan versions.
The StandardProcedure entity is derived from the ProcessPlan entity. StandardProcedure represents an instance of MPMProcessPlan class, where standard attribute is set to true.
The Operation entity represents the version of an operation. In Windchill, the MPMOperation and MPMOperationMaster classes are used to work with operation versions.
The Sequence entity represents the version of a sequence. In Windchill, the MPMSequence and MPMSequenceMaster classes are used to work with sequence versions.
Bill of Process
The BOP entity represents the process plan structure. BOP is an operation structure, which is expanded to the required number of levels.
The OperationHolderUsageLink entity represents the association between parent and child parts in OperationHolder entities.
In Windchill, the MPMOperationUsageLink, MPMSequenceUsageLink, and MPMStandardProcessLink classes are used to work with parent-child associations.
The WorkCenter, Skill, Tooling, and ProcessingMaterial entities represent the MPM resources. In Windchill, resources represent objects such as, personnel, material, equipment and so on, that perform the production activities. Manufacturing resources are the resources needed on the shop floor during the production, maintenance, inspection, or repair of parts.
Control Characteristic
The StandardControlCharacteric entity represents a control characteristic version. In Windchill, the MPMStandardCC class is used to work with control characteristics.
subtypeable and softattributable Attributes
The PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain supports the subtypeable and softattributable attributes of Windchill. All the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain entities that are backed by a persistable which implements the Typed interface, support these attributes.
The subtypeable and softattributable attributes are not supported for the ProcessPlan entity. However, you can add the subentities of the ProcessPlan entity by explicitly configuring the entities in the domain.
Navigation Properties
The following are some important navigation properties available for this domain:
OperationToConsumableLinks—You can apply soft attributes and allocate resources (skills, tools, process materials) to an operation using this navigation property. You can associate one or more resources with a single operation. You must first check out the operation before writing to it. After completion of write , you must explicitly check in the operation.
OperationToWorkCenterLinks—Navigation property for allocating a WorkCenter to an Operation. You must first check out the Operation. You can associate a work center to an Operation. On completion, you must check in the Operation.
Refer to the domain EDM for a complete list of navigation properties.