Actions for the BOM Transformation Domain
The following are some of the key actions available for the BOM transformation domain:
GetExtendedDatasForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns the ExtendedDatas for Parts for the Navigation Criteria passed in the NavigationCriteria parameter.
GetExtendedDatasForParts—Returns the ExtendedDatas for parts. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, the Navigation Criteria with the given ID will be used, else the system default navigation criteria are used.
GetExtendedDatas—Returns the ExtendedDatas for the specified ExtendedData OIDs.
GetDepartmentDatasForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns the DepartmentDatas for parts using the Navigation Criteria passed as the navigationCriteria parameter.
GetDepartmentDatasForParts—Returns the DepartmentDatas for parts. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, the Navigation Criteria with the given ID is used, else system default navigation criteria is applied, else system default navigation criteria is applied.
GetDepartmentDatasFromPlantWithInlineNavCriteria—Returns the DepartmentDatas for a plant using the navigation criteria passed in the navigationCriteria parameter.
GetDepartmentDatasFromPlant—Returns the DepartmentDatas for a plant. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, the Navigation Criteria with the given ID will be used
GetEquivalenceNetworkForParts—Returns the Equivalence Networks for a given set of parts.
AssignPlant—Creates plant data for a particular part. The user can optionally provide Change Notice or Change Task ID to be used for tracking plant assignment.
CreateDepartmentData—Creates department data for a particular part. User can optionally provide Change Notice or Change Task ID to be used for tracking newly created Department Data objects.
CreateDepartmentDataForPlantData—Create department data for particular Plant Data. User can optionally provide Change Notice or Change Task ID to be used for tracking newly created Department Data objects.
GetRawMaterialsForPartsWithInlineNavCriteria—Retrieves the raw materials for parts using the Navigation Criteria passed as a parameter.
GetRawMaterialsForParts—Retrieves the raw materials for parts. If NavigationCriteriaId is passed as a parameter, the Navigation Criteria with the given ID is used else the defaults are used.