Actions Available for Single and Multiple Objects
Actions are available to support the following operations for single and multiple objects.
These following actions are available for PTC Product Management and PTC Document Management domains, for parts and documents respectively.
• Creating objects
• Updating objects
• Deleting objects
• Checking in objects—Available for all entities that inherit workable capability
• Checking out objects—Available for all entities that inherit workable capability
• Undoing a check out—Available for all entities that inherit workable capability
Action to create a revision of objects is available for all the entities of a domain that inherit the versioned capability.
Actions for Single Object
The following actions take a single object as input parameter.
• These actions are available in PTC Product Management and PTC Document Management domains.
◦ CheckIn—Pass the following input parameters:
▪ Part or document to check in depending on the domain
▪ Check in note
▪ KeepCheckedOut
▪ CheckOutNote
◦ CheckOut—Pass the following input parameters:
▪ Part or document to check out depending on the domain
▪ Check out note
◦ UndoCheckOut—Pass as input parameter the part or document for which you want to undo the check out.
• Revise action is available for domains that inherit the versioned capability. Pass as input parameter the part or document ID that you want to revise. You can also pass other optional parameters such as VersionId if the preference Allow Override On Revise is set to Yes.
Actions for Multiple Objects
The following actions take a collection of objects as the input parameter.
• These actions are available for all the entities that inherit the workable capability.
◦ CheckIn<EntitySet_name>
◦ CheckOut<EntitySet_name>
◦ UndoCheckOut<EntitySet_name>
• Delete<EntitySet_name>—Available for entities in a domain where "multiOperations": "DELETE" is specified in the Entity JSON file.
• Revise<EntitySet_name>—Available for entities in a domain that inherits the versioned capability.
• These actions are available for all the entities in the PTC Product Management and PTC Document Management domains.
◦ Create<EntitySet_name>—Available for entities where "multiOperations": "CREATE" is specified in the Entity JSON file.
◦ Update<EntitySet_name>—Available for entities where "multiOperations": "UPDATE" is specified in the Entity JSON file.
For example, the actions available in the PTC Product Management domain are as follows:
• CreateParts—Pass the following input parameters:
◦ Collection of parts to create
◦ ID of the container in which you want to create the parts and other required attributes to create a part
• UpdateParts—Pass the following input parameters:
◦ Collection of parts to update
◦ Attributes of part with updated values
• CheckInParts—Pass the following input parameters:
◦ Collection of parts to check in
◦ Check in note
◦ KeepCheckedOut
◦ CheckOutNote
• CheckOutParts—Pass the following input parameters:
◦ Collection of parts to check out
◦ Check out note
• UndoCheckOutParts—Pass as input parameter a collection of parts for which you want to undo the check out operation.
• DeleteParts—Pass as input parameter a collection of parts which you want to delete. When the objects to delete have iterations and revisions, the delete operation is executed as described in the following table:
Details of URL Payload
Delete Operation
Part entity specified in the payload is not the latest iteration in its revision
Part object is not deleted and delete operation is rolled back
Part entity specified in the payload is not the latest iteration in its revision, and later revisions of the part object exist but are not specified in the payload
Part object is not deleted and delete operation is rolled back
Part entity specified in the payload is the latest iteration in its revision, and all the latest revisions of the part entity are also specified in the payload
Deletes all iterations of all revisions
Part entity specified in the payload is the latest iteration of the latest revision
Deletes all iterations of the latest revision
• ReviseParts—Pass as input parameter a collection of parts that you want to revise.
Similarly, CheckInDocuments, CheckOutDocuments, and so on are available in PTC Document Management domain.
Execution of Actions on Multiple Objects
When you perform multiple objects actions, consider the following:
• You can perform the multiple object action on one or more objects.
• The action is successfully executed for all objects. If the action fails for any object in the collection, the entire action is rolled back, the operation stops, and an error message is returned to the caller.