Version Number
Reason for Versioning
PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain (MfgProcMgmt)
To import the latest version of the PTC Navigation Criteria domain (NavCriteria). This domain enables you to specify the navigation criteria as the input parameter to the actions available in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain.
PTC Change Management domain (Change)
• To support subscription to events using the PTC Event Management domain.
• OrganizationID attribute is not supported.
PTC Quality Management System domain (QMS)
To support subscription to events using the PTC Event Management domain in PTC NC, PTC Customer Experience Management, and PTC CAPA domains.
PTC NC domain (Nonconformance)
To support subscription to events using the PTC Event Management domain.
PTC Customer Experience Management domain (CEM)
To support subscription to events using the PTC Event Management domain.
PTC CAPA domain (CAPA)
To support subscription to events using the PTC Event Management domain.