Support for $filter on Navigation Properties
The Windchill REST Services framework supports $filter query parameter for some navigation properties in the PTC Document Management, PTC Product Management, and PTC Change Management domains. The $filter options such as contains, startswith, and so on, are supported. This section describes the navigation properties that support the $filter query parameter.
See the section
Configuring Navigation Properties for more information on setting up navigation properties.
You can query for a collection of change objects, parts, or documents using the $filter parameter on the Context navigation property. The filtering is supported for the Name property of the Container entity.
For example:
• /DocMgmt/Documents?$filter=contains(Context/Name,'<substring_of_containername>')
This URL returns all the documents that are available in all the containers with a name that contains the specified substring. For example, if you specify the substring as Cart, then the URL returns all the documents that are available in all the containers with a name that contains the substring Cart.
• /ProdMgmt/Parts?$filter=Context/Name eq '<container_name>'
This URL returns all the parts that are available in the specified container.
• /ChangeMgmt/ChangeRequests('<change_request_ID>')?$expand=AffectedObjects($filter=Context/Name eq 'Power System')
This URL returns all the affected objects that have the context name set as Power System in the specified change request ID.
You can query for a collection of change objects, parts, or documents using the $filter parameter on the Organization navigation property. The filtering is supported for the Name property of the Organization entity.
For example:
/DocMgmt/Documents?$filter=Organization/Name eq '<organization_principal_name>'
This URL returns all the documents that are available in the specified organization.
You can query for a collection of parts or documents using the $filter parameter on the Folder navigation property. The filtering is supported for the Name and Description properties of the Folder entity.
For example:
/ProdMgmt/Parts?$filter=Folder/Description eq '<folderdescription>'
This URL returns parts that are available in the folders with the specified folder description.
You can query for a collection of change objects or documents using the $filter parameter on the Attachments navigation property.
The filtering is supported for FileName, Description, Format, and FileSize properties of the associated attachment.
For example:
• /DocMgmt/Documents?$filter=Attachments/any(d:d/PTC.ApplicationData/Description eq '<attachmentdescription>')
This URL returns all the documents that contain the specified description for attachments.
• /DocMgmt/Documents?$filter=Attachments/any(d:contains(d/PTC.ApplicationData/Format,'<attachmentformat>'))
This URL returns all the documents that have attachments in the specified type of format.
• /ChangeMgmt/ChangeRequests('<change_request_ID>')/Attachments/PTC.ApplicationData?$filter=contains(FileName,'xyz.pdf')
This URL returns all the attachments that contain the specified file name for the specified change request.
You can query for a collection of documents using the $filter parameter on the PrimaryContent navigation property.
The filtering is supported for FileName, Description, Format, and FileSize properties of the associated primary content.
For example:
/DocMgmt/Documents?$filter=PrimaryContent/PTC.ApplicationData/FileSize eq <doublevalue>
This URL returns all the documents with primary content of the specified size.
You can query for a collection of parts using the $filter parameter on the Representation navigation property.
The filtering is supported for Name, Description, DefaultRepresentation, FormatName, and OutOfDate properties of the associated representation.
For example:
• /ProdMgmt/Parts?$filter=Representations/any(d:d/OutOfDate eq true)
This URL returns all the parts with representations that are out-of-date.
• /ProdMgmt/Parts?$filter=Representations/any(d:startswith(d/Name,'<substring_of_representation_description>'))
This URL returns all the parts that have representations with the specified representation description.