Excluding Subtypes of Enabled Windchill Types
When an entity is configured with a Windchill type, any subtypes of the Windchill type are also included in the output of the entity queries. The framework enables you to exclude Windchill subtypes from being mapped to entities. To do this, add the following entry in the <Entity JSON> file:
"wcExcludedTypes":[“<Windchill Subtype 1>”, “<Windchill Subtype 2>”, …]
For example, consider a WTDocument with subtypes Agenda and Plan. If you want to exclude these subtypes when the Document entity is created, add the following entry in the JSON file:
“wcExcludedTypes”: [“org.rnd.Agenda”, “org.rnd.Plan”]
If you define a subtype in the <Entity JSON> file and exclude it in wcExcludedTypes, the subtype is still available in the EDM.